Observations placeholder
Joscelyn Godwin- Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - The Zaddik
Type of Spiritual Experience
Invisible input - inspiration
Music plays a vital role in all mystic thought. The Shakers, the Quakers, the Sufis, the Kabbalistic Jews all ‘heard’ celestial music and it is worth noting that in trying to reproduce it practically none use or used the scale we use today. The Shakers, for example, had a tradition of 'receiving' songs via trance, which were then recorded using their own musical notation system which we have now, it seems, lost.
According to observers, the tunes were wholly different from any 'normal' tunes and used musical notes and harmonies outside the ones we in the West may use today.
A description of the experience
Joscelyn Godwin- Harmonies of Heaven and Earth
When the zaddik is truly possessed by the experiences of his soul, his singing may go beyond anything of which his voice is normally capable.
'Thus one zaddik stood in prayer … and sang new melodies, wonder of wonder, that he has never heard and that no human ear had ever heard and he did not know at all what he sang and in what way he sang, for he was bound to the upper world'
The source of the experience
Judaism and KabbalahConcepts, symbols and science items
Celestial musicCelestial note duration
Celestial notes
Celestial notes and overtones