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Celtic - Spoils of Annwn - 02
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Preiddeu Annwn: The Spoils of Annwn
by: Sarah Higley (Translator) from: The Camelot Project 2007 [The following is the text (and translation) of a poem taken from the fourteenth-century Llyfr Taliesin]I
11. Neut wyf glot geinmyn
cerd ochlywir.11. I am honored in praise.
Song was heard12. ygkaer pedryuan
pedyr ychwelyt.12. in the Four-Peaked Fortress,
four its revolutions.13. yg kenneir
or peir
pan leferit.13. My poetry,
from the cauldron
it was uttered.14. Oanadyl naw morwyn
gochyneuit.14. From the breath of nine maidens
it was kindled.15. Neu peir pen annwfyn
pwy y vynut.15. The cauldron of the chief of Annwfyn:
what is its fashion?16. gwrym am yoror
amererit.16. A dark ridge around its border
and pearls.17. Ny beirw bwyt llwfyr
ny rytyghit.17. It does not boil the food of a coward;
it has not been destined.18. cledyf lluch lleawc
idaw rydyrchit.18. The flashing sword of Lleawch
has been lifted to it.19. Ac yn llaw leminawc
yd edewit.19. And in the hand of Lleminawc
it was left.20. Arac drws porth vffern
llugyrn lloscit.20. And before the door of hell
lamps burned.21. Aphan aetham ni gan arthur
trafferth lechrit21. And when we went with Arthur,
brilliant difficulty,22. namyn seith
ny dyrreith
o gaer vedwit.22. except seven
none rose up
from the Fortress of Mead-Drunkenness.