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Attar, Fariduddin - The Song of the Nightingale
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Parliament of the Birds – Fariduddin Attar
The Song of the Nightingale
‘I know the secrets of love," he said.
"Throughout the night I give my love call. I myself teach the secrets;
it is my song which is the lament of the mystic flute, and which the lute wails.
It is I who set the Rose in motion, and move the hearts of lovers.
Continuously I teach new mysteries, each moment new notes of sadness, like the waves of the sea.
Whoever hears me loses his wits in rapture, contrary to his normal way.
When I am long bereft of my love the Rose, I lament unceasingly. . . .
And when the Rose returns to the world in Summer, I open my heart to joy.
My secrets are not known to all - but the Rose knows them.
I think of nothing but the Rose;
I wish nothing but the ruby Rose.
"To reach the Simurgh, that is beyond me - the love of the Rose is enough for the nightingale.
It is for me that she flowers. . . .
Can the nightingale live but one night without the Beloved?"
The source of the experience
Attar, FariduddinConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Love with visualisationReducing desires
Suppressing memory
Suppression of learning