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Saint Servulus hears celestial music as he lay dying
Type of Spiritual Experience
Saint Servulus, lived in a cave close to Socerb, which is a village in the City Municipality of Koper in the Littoral region of Slovenia. It lies on the border with Italy. St. Gregory the Great tells us of the poor afflicted Servulus, whom he personally knew:
A description of the experience
St. Gregory the Great - Dialogues
While Servulus lay giving ear within himself to that divine harmony, his holy Soul departed this mortal life: at which time all that were there present felt a most pleasant and fragrant smell, whereby they perceived how true it was that Servulus said.
A monk of mine, who yet liveth, was then present, and with many tears useth to tell us that the sweetness of that smell never went away, but that they felt it continually until the time of his burial.