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Other religious person
Category: Religious
A catch all category that enables me to include other people who are religious.
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- 'Lord Peregrino calls me’
- A large light came down over praying nuns At Berecingum (Barking) convent, circled their location, and flew up. – 675AD, Berecingum Convent, near London, England
- A novice entering in the dark was frightened to death by coming into contact with the Blessed John Massias’s legs and feet as he hung suspended in the air
- A nun belonging to the Order of Dames de la Sainte-Union hallucinates and obtains marks on her arm via auto-suggestion
- A sister of Saint Vincent-de-Paul, Lisbon - Sister Marie Souchon prophecies her own death
- A village priest - 1619, Prague, Czechoslovakia: - Flying Globes
- Agnes of Jesus, Prioress of Langeac – Certain exceptionally favoured individuals were conscious of her heavenly fragrance
- Ahmed Yawassi – from HIKMET 47
- Alfonso de Liguori - In two places at once
- An account of the success of the Bark of the Willow in the Cure of Agues - Rev. Mr. Edmund Stone 1763
- Angela de Foligno - Livre de L’Experience des Vrais Fideles
- Anna Maria Castreca - Marked with the stigmata and died as Abbess in the odour of sanctity
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Jupiter
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Mars
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Saturn
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Venus
- Bartolomeo Brandano - Prophesies the fall of Rome
- BBC Radio 4 Beyond Belief - Ghosts
- Bede from Ecclesiastical History
- Bede the Venerable, Ecclesiastical History of England - 640, Faremoutiers-en-Brie, France
- Blessed Giovanni Buono - Firewalks
- Blessed Maria degli Angeli – An incomparable fragrance made itself manifest in the place where she lived or through which she passed
- Brother Klaus - The terrifying vision
- Canon Gamier relives a dream three years later
- Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman
- Celestial music by the River Tweed – choirs, concerts and bands
- Charles McKay, a Catholic priest – pays the debts of a dead woman to stop the apparitions
- Dominic of Jesus Maria - When rising in the air was caught hold of by a sceptical witness
- Dr John F. Haught - Nature is not all there is
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A clergyman has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs J. Watkin, a Baptist from Hove has an OBE
- Dr William Sargant – Casting out demons in church
- Dr William Sargant – Healed via over breathing and controlled drowning!
- Edwin Russell, a well-known deceased Englishman, appears to Mr Reeves the choir-leader
- Evagrius Ponticus - A study into his asceticism
- Father Alberto Guglielmotti 20 September 1571, Lepanto, Italy - A flaming column guides the fleet
- Father Anthony Margil - A soul which was ‘so inflamed with the love of God’ that he levitated
- Father Antonio Cesena - 1546, Caranza near La Spezia, Italy – Sightings of a Disk that changed colour
- Father Francis Suarez is found levitating three fleet above the floor on a level with the table on which the crucifix stood
- Father N, parish priest of O--, in Moravia sees his dead niece
- Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti and Father Agostino Gemelli invoke EVP
- Forty Levitated Persons, Canonized or Beatified
- Frangoise-Madeleine de la Roussie - He saw the Sacred Host fly into her mouth when he was giving her Communion
- George Salmon - The Evidence of the Work of the Holy Spirit
- Gervase of Canterbury – Battles on the moon 18 June 1178, Canterbury, England
- Gregory of Nyssa - Treatise on Virginity
- Guillaume de Deguileville - Le Pelerinage de l'ame
- Henry Scott Holland - Death is nothing at all
- Hereford mappa mundi
- Honorary Canon, Pastor of Douze, Dordogne - felt a sudden push on his shoulder, a push which made him bend forward sharply, even though no one was there
- Hugh of Saint Victor
- Isidore of Seville - Etymologiae
- Jean Le Guen - Circa 1635, Port-Louis, Brittany, France - A Procession of sky beings
- Johann Adam Schall von Bell - from Athanasius Kircher
- King Aethelred, King Canute, Queen Emma, their son Edward and the Fire Test
- Lambeth Palace or Reading world map
- Lengley-Dufresnoy - 1 February 1620, Quimper-Corentin, France - Green flying creature
- Luis de Leon - On organs
- Luther, Martin – A hallucination of Jesus on the wall
- M. Prevost, curate of Lussac les Eglises - 1608, between Angouleme and Cognac, France - Flying warriors
- Matthew Paris - Chronica Majora - 1239 France A great light, ascending
- Matthew Paris - Flies to Apulia from London
- Mead - Cyser
- Mead - Hypocras
- Mead - Melomel
- Mead - Metheglin
- Mead - Pyment
- Mead - Table
- Mechthild of Magdeburg – Das Fliessende Licht der Gottheit - The calling
- Mitsuo Aoki – A terrible car accident - I could see my spirit body lifting out of my corpse
- Monk hears another choir
- Monseigneur Joseph de Lanyi, Bishop of Grosswarden – Has a prophetic dream of the death of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- Mr. Hart - 1634, Wiltshire, England - Dancing elves, a paralyzed witness
- Mrs. Atlay, wife of the Bishop of Hereford, has a prophetic dream of a pig standing between the dining table and the sideboard
- Mystical Levitation in Christianity
- Naval gazing as a source of bliss
- Olaus Magnus - History of the Northern peoples 1555 - And weather
- Passitea Crogi - At Santa Fiora in the house of the Duchess Sforza, she remained raised from the ground at the height of a man
- Paul Selva - 8 September 1296, Loreto, Italy - Globes of light, and an elliptical object
- Phantasms of the Living Volume I – Edmund Gurney - Canon W Warburton's dream
- Phillips Brooks - Visions and Task - On Good and Evil
- Pierre d'Ailly - Prophesies the French revolution
- Rev. Arthur Bellamy of Bristol sees his wife’s dead friend
- Reverend C W S - And the meeting with his wife in the Buffalo hotel
- Reverend Jacques Fodere - 23 January 1603, Besangon, France – A Self-propelled cloud
- Richard of St Victor - De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis
- Rudimentum Noviciorum
- Rudolphi Glabri – Sees a demon
- Saint Chad - an invisible concert of music had been heard above his cell
- Saint Joseph, broad beans and the making of rain in Sicily
- Saint Peter Damien - The Order of Creation
- Saint Philip Neri – Heat of the Mystic … caused by broken ribs
- Saint Sebastian - The matrydom of St Sebastian
- Saint Servulus hears celestial music as he lay dying
- Saint Stanislaus Kostka – Heat of the Mystic
- Salimbene de Adam - Circa 1284, Parma, Saint Rufiino, Italy - A duel of stars
- Sister Giovanna Maria della Croce of Roveredo – The choir were aware of her approach from the perfume which was wafted before her
- Sister Maria Villani - I knew that I was raised some distance above the earth, my whole body being suspended for a considerable space of time
- Sister Veronica Laparelli – Both levitation and bodily elongation
- St Anthony - The temptation of St Anthony
- St Honoratus of Arles – Advice to his students on his death bed
- St. Catherine de' Ricci – Her body exuded a scent resembling vivuole mammole
- St. Veronica Giuliani - She saw her own heart as a "heart of steel"
- Suor Domeniea dal Paradiso – An apporting Host
- Suor Maria della Passione - She really flew up the flight of stairs which led to her cell
- The blind nun who painted beautiful water-colours of Nature
- The Chronicle of the Archbishops of Trier - 24 December 1299, Tier (Treves), Germany - Globes of light, and an elliptical object
- The Ebstorf World Map
- The First Epistle of Clement
- The nuns of the Good Shepherd Convent of Bourges – And the multiplication of food
- The nuns who halted the train at the Catona Bridge, Italy
- The Psalter Map, British Library Additional Ms 28681, f.9 recto. Circa 1260
- The Rev. Archer Sheper, vicar of Avenbury (Herefordshire County) - the church that emits organ music without an organist
- The Rev. Susanna Harris - Astral Travelling from New Zealand resulting in telekinetic phenomena in London
- The Saint-Sever Beatus world map, made at the Abbey of St. Sever in about 1050
- The Strange case of Ermine de Reims
- The ‘light’ emitted by John Tornerius, Giles of Assisi, Aleidis of Scarbeke, and St. Lewis Bertrand
- Theodore the Sacristan
- Theophan the Recluse
- Theophanis the monk and the ladder of Divine graces
- Tractatus de Ecclesia S. Petri Aldeburgensi - 14 April 1054, Belgium - A bright disk in the midday sky
- Venerable Gertrude Salandri - A particle escaped from the ciborium, passed through the Communion window and flew straight to Sister Gertrude
- Venerable Serafina di Dio - She lost great quantities of blood through the nostrils or by the mouth
- Who was the man, kneeling by the bed side when we came in