Observations placeholder
Honorary Canon, Pastor of Douze, Dordogne - felt a sudden push on his shoulder, a push which made him bend forward sharply, even though no one was there
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery: After Death – Camille Flammarion
Do not think that members of the clergy are over-credulous. About twelve years ago a colleague and friend of mine, who was a strong partizan of the cause of spiritualism, said to me at a gathering at which there were both laymen and clergymen, that several of his friends, in dying, had pushed his shoulder with their hands. Since this communication was received by us all, and by me, particularly, with a smile, -or, rather, a burst of incredulous laughter,- he turned to me addressing me in particular, and said, laughing, that he would reserve his first reappearance for me.
When we parted, after shaking hands, no one gave another thought to the matter. Six months afterward, on an evening in February, when I was kneeling before a seat in church, I felt a sudden push on my shoulder, a push which made me bend forward sharply.
I turned around at once, to see whence had come this ill-timed familiarity. But I realized that it could have come from no one of the persons present, for the one nearest me was at least six meters away. I then thought of the conversation which I have mentioned. I reflected that it was possible that someone I knew had produced this supernatural or extra-natural manifestation.
Some days afterward I learned of the sudden death of mv estimable colleague, which had come with lightning swiftness. He had died on precisely the day and at the hour of this manifestation.
Honorary Canon, Pastor of Douze, Dordogne
(Letter 4.)