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Richard of St Victor - De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis - Richard of St Victor [d 1173]
This earth has therefore its heaven; it has also its sun. If therefore you are in this heaven, or in this earth, it is given you to see that Sun under which those spirits who are called Seraphim ardently glow. . . . Truly the joy of this vision is so great, who can
describe it?
In the second degree of Love, as has been said, the heaven of heavens, and that inaccessible Light, can be seen, but cannot be approached.
The third degree of Love is when the mind of man is rapt to that abyss of the Divine Light and whatever is adverse and troublesome is swallowed up in glory. In this state, while the mind is separated from itself, while it is rapt to that secret place of Divine mystery, while in all parts it is set around with the divine fire of Love, intimately penetrated, and ceaselessly on fire, it puts off itself from within, puts on a certain divine condition and, wholly conformed to the divine Beauty, passes over into another