Spiritual concepts
A realm of Pure Light; it is virtually inaccessible to any but the true mystic. From this place of pure Light there emanate Flames both small and large, columns of gold, pure rivers of gold and in addition gold dust.
A number of the mystics who have ‘been’ to this realm have said that in terms of colour this realm has no colour or was ‘all colours’. As such the description of it being Pure Light is reasonable. It is ‘the source of all sounds’ and in terms of the feelings you get whilst being there they are expressible as ecstasy, illumination, rapture, and joy.
Numerous would be travellers to this realm mistake the Fire level for it. They think they are there – but they are not.
One of the reasons for the confusion seems to be that it is a realm from which flames emanate. In other words there is a link with ‘fire’ through the flame. But the flames have a different significance.
There are also a host of very confusing names for this level. The confusion about naming the realm appears to have arisen in early times. Aristotle in his ‘natural philosophy’ called the place aether or ether. Then it became called Empyrean, from the Medieval Latin empyreus, an adaptation of the Ancient Greek, "in or on the fire (pyr)". Thus the confusion seems to have arisen in medieval times.
The different names matter because they serve only to cause people difficulties, but as I understood from the observations, this ‘place’ was the ‘highest’ you could go and you also always have to go through a seriously well-guarded tunnel or tower or portico – see towers.
Many Near death and dying people see this place and are greeted by their Higher spirit as they exit the tunnel – the tower - of their perceptions.
The aether level is divided into two an Inward court and [rather confusingly] an Inner court, both of which are shown in the explanation for the Inward court
Ovid – the Creation of the World
High o'er the clouds, and empty realms of wind,
The God a clearer space for Heav'n design'd;
Where fields of light, and liquid aether flow;
Purg'd from the pondrous dregs of Earth below.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Jajauring initiation
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Ta-ta-thi medicine men
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Jawami al-kalim - Behind them the barzakh until the day when they will be raised up
- Anaesthetist goes out of body
- Ancient Egyptian - The Creation Myth of Heliopolis
- Anni Dixon
- Aristotle - The Elements
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 12 Expansion out of time
- Avicenna - Henry Corbin on the cosmology of Avicenna
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 03
- Baudelaire, Charles - Les Fleurs du Mal - Above ponds, above valleys Mountains, woods, clouds, seas
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - And this is the meaning of man, The task of the soul
- Bhagavad Gita - Strung like pearls on a thread
- Blithe spirit - The vast moving sheet
- Blithe spirit - Thought palaces in pink and gold
- Böcklin, Arnold - Die Lebensinsel (Isle of Life) 1888
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - For I have swift and speedy wings
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - The soul once cut
- Borgund stavkirke
- Burst appendix
- Cameron, Norman - My soul is some leviathan in vague distress
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Light sparkles floating in the aether of deity
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Lines from a Notebook 1806
- Corbin, Henry - Na-koja-Abad: a place outside of place
- Corpus Hermeticum XI
- Crowley, Aleister - The Vision and the Voice (Aethyr 14)
- Deliberate surgical hypothermia
- Delville, Jean - Satan's treasures
- Dickinson, Emily - Dropped into the ether acre, Wearing the sod gown
- Dickinson, Emily - The lonesome for they know not what
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over Soul - When I watch the flowing river
- Empedocles - On Nature - 233-364
- Epileptic seizure causes near death
- Fabre d Olivet, Antoine - 02 La Langue Hébraique restituée
- Fludd, Robert - Utriusque Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris - 2
- Forman, Simon - Of the Division of Chaos
- Frost, Robert - We dance round in a ring and suppose
- Genesis 01 - The Creation
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Torah
- Goethe - Faust Part 2
- Gray, Thomas - A Pindaric Ode
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - I stood on the edge of things
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - O royal keen eyed falcon
- Heading for the light with Pneumonia
- Hesiod - Theogony - 02 Order of creation
- Hesiod - Works and Days - The two kinds of Strife
- Hinton, Charles - A Picture of Our Universe – Out of time in the Aether level
- Hiroshige - Famous views Mount Fuji
- Hiroshige - Mount Fuji
- Hiroshige - Rough sea at the whirlpools of Awa
- Hiroshige’s waterfall
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The effects of a stroke 02 - Shot up into the air like a rocket
- Hokusai - Mishima pass in Kai province
- Hokusai - Mt Fuji
- Hokusai - Shichiri beach in Sagami province
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
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- Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - Fursus al-hikam
- Isaac Luria - Nefilat ‘appayam
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Eggs and Bubbles
- Joscelyn Godwin - On Plutarch, Ptolemy and Canobus
- Kabir - Between the conscious and the unconscious
- Karnataka and South India - 02 Temple architecture
- Karnataka and South India - 06 Ekambareswarar Temple
- Keats, John - The Tapestry of Life
- Kepler, Johannes - Gesam. Werke VII
- Kepler, Johannes - The Daemon from Levania from Somnium
- Key of Solomon, The – The different kinds of spirits
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On levels and layers
- Lalla - Fatten the five elements
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - Daemons
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - The spatial order is the opposite of the spiritual
- Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities - Chongtul Rinpoche - TEDxFultonStreet
- Luis de Leon - On organs
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 03 And then the Earth arose because of them
- McMoneagle, Joe - Poisoned by someone who doctored his drink
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - The empyrean
- Meningitis
- Michaux, Henri - In the Land of Magic - The most interesting things in this country cannot be seen
- Mircea Eliade - Inuit beliefs of death
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace
- Nine year old girl
- Out of body from dentist
- Out of body in dentist
- O’Keeffe, Georgia - From the Faraway nearby 1937
- Paramahansa Yogananda - Heart tapping
- Plato - Phaedo - Energy recycling, streams and rivers
- Plato - Phaedrus - The Immortal soul as the Charioteer
- Plato - Republic - The Cave analogy
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Alvis [exract]
- Pordage, John - Aether
- Pordage, John - Outward and inward courts
- Pordage, John - What is above the abyssal essence
- Porphyry - On the Soul of Plotinus
- Prasna Upanishad
- Pythagoras - Hikmat al-ishriq - An out of body experience 003475
- Rabbi Isaac - Order of creation
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Elements
- Richard of St Victor - De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis
- Rig veda - In the Beginning [Muller transl]
- Rig Veda - Spirit travel
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 04
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - The Blessed Damozel
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - This is Love: to fly heavenward
- Ruptured ulcer
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 03 – The birth of Krishna
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 03 – End of the world
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 05 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Saint Brendan - 15 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Schiller - Ode to joy
- Sean W, Delaware - Affirmations and taken to the Light
- Sefer Yetzirah
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The elements of water, air, fire and earth
- Shakespeare, William - Merchant of Venice Act V scene 1
- Sheikh el Melewi’s vision
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - The Egg
- Spontaneous out of body
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The Earth band
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906
- Suhrawardi - Book of Conversations - Xvaranah
- Suhrawardi - Book of Elucidations - Hermes
- Suhrawardi - Book of Oriental Theosophy - The double barzakh
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Absolute Emptiness
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - The enlightenment experience
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Elements and her dress
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Concentric circles [Complex site]
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - Maes Howe
- The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 05 Love with visualisation
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 475 to 535
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- Uluru
- Upanishads, the – Commentary by Mircea Eliade
- Ur - Sumerian stele of Nammu
- Uxmal - Mayan - Pyramid
- Various symbolic objects - Kudurrus
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Prometheus
- Wang, Wen-Lu’s Embryonic Breathing method
- Watkins, Allen – The Straight path in Wisdom teaching – The Stages of Initiation
- Wordsworth, William - Peter Bell
- Wordsworth, William - Prelude - The eternal silence
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - The Elements
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book III - Sutras 01 to 55
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book IV - 04. States of Consciousness
- Yram - Ascent and descent
- Zohar - I 015a - The Beginning