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Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 04
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Fifth Realm: The Celestial Realm, or Heaven
Again He instructed me to move close to His side and we started traveling through space at an incredible speed. This is the first time we had left this planet. We were now approaching an amazing place, realm, planet or what shall I call it? The only thing I heard when I was growing up which pictured such a place was the song my stepmother used to sing called "The Holy City." In it was described the new Jerusalem. This must have been it, for the light which shone upon its streets was brilliant. We never actually reached the streets or open places, for while we were only a short distance above the surface, two of these beings who could see us as well as we could see them started toward us.
Now this was surprising because this was the first realm in which the inhabitants could see the Christ and me. Even more amazing, they exuded light almost as brilliant as the Christ. As the two beings approached us, I could also feel the love flowing from them toward us. The complete joy they showed at seeing the Christ was unmistakable. Seeing these beings and feeling the joy, peace and happiness which swelled up from them made me feel that here was the place of all places, the top realm of all realms. The beings who inhabited it were full of love. This, I was and am convinced, is heaven.