Observations placeholder
The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 475 to 535
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
(475) Be gracious to me, 0 Providence and Psyche, as I write these mysteries handed down for gain but for instruction; and for an only child I request immortality, O initiates of this our power (furthermore, it is necessary for you, O daughter, to take
(480) the juices of herbs and spices, which will to you at the end of my holy treatise), which the great god Helios Mithras ordered to be revealed to me by his archangel, so that I alone may ascend into heaven as an inquirer
(485) and behold the universe.
This is the invocation of the ceremony:
"First -origin of my origin, AEEIOYO, first beginning of my beginning, PPP SSS PHR spirit of spirit, the first of the spirit
(490) in me, MMM, fire given by god to my mixture of the mixtures in me, the first of the fire in me, EY EIA EE, water of water, the first of the water in me, OOO AAA EEE, earthy substance, the first of the earthy substance in me,
(495) YE YOE, my complete body (I,_______whose mother is _______), which was formed by a noble arm and an incorruptible right hand in a world without light and yet radiant, without soul and yet alive with soul, YEI AYI EYOIE: now if it be your will, METERTA
(500) PHOTH (METHARTHA PHERIE, in another place) YEREZATH, give me over to immortal birth and, following that, to my underlying nature, so that, after the present need which is pressing me exceedingly, I may gaze upon the immortal
(505) beginning with the immortal spirit, ANCHREPHRENESOYPHIRIGCH, with the immortal water, ERONOYI PARAKOYNETH, with the most steadfast air, EIOAE PSENABOTH; that I may be born again in thought, KRAOCHRAX R OIM ENARCHOMAI,
(510) and the sacred spirit may breathe in me, NECHTHEN APOTOY NECHTHIN ARPI ETH; so that I may wonder at the sacred fire, KYPHE; that I may gaze upon the unfathomable, awesome water of the dawn, NYO THESO ECHO OYCHIECHOA, and the vivifying
(515),and encircling aether may hear me, ARNOMETHPH; for today I am about to behold, with immortal eyes -- I, born mortal from mortal womb, but transformed by tremendous power and an incorruptible right hand
(520)! -- and with immortal spirit, the immortal Aion and and master of the fiery diadems--
I, sanctified through holy consecrations!-- while there subsists within me, holy, for a short time, my human soul-might, which I will again
(525) receive after the present bitter and relentless necessity which is pressing down upon me--
I, _______ whose mother is _______ according to the immutable decree of god, EYE YIA EEI AO EIAY IYA IEO! Since it is impossible for me, born
(530) mortal, to rise with the golden brightnesses of the immortal brilliance, OEY AEO EYA EOE YAE 5IAE, stand, O perishable nature of mortals, and at once me safe and sound after the inexorable and pressing