Observations placeholder
Yram - Ascent and descent
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Practical Astral projection - Yram
The speed of movement increases. The shadow of a thought evokes a whole world of phenomena. At last, if we go on with this strange ascent, a magnetic hyper-activity saturates the atmosphere. Soon we feel giddy. If we persist, it seems as if our basis of energy tends to disintegrate, owing to an inexplicable disturbance of the equilibrium. It would seem as if all the particles of our being were being violently torn apart, and this painful explosion forces the experimenter to descend into regions which are more favourable to his personal vibrations.
Practical Astral projection - Yram
In the intermediate regions, the impression is better, the feelings more stable. One can compare the clearness of the atmosphere to the day at early morning. On the whole a sensation of repose, of confidence and calm is experienced. At the same time the consciousness receives various impressions. At certain stages there is neither joy nor sorrow. Other stages communicate to it a feeling of greater activity. One feels absolutely at home, one thinks or acts without any appreciable effort. The simple act of thinking will transport you wheresoever you wish. At times the atmosphere seems to be like velvet.