
Although the word ecstasy in common usage means simply a rather heightened form of pleasure, in spiritual terms it has a very distinct meaning.
In this experience we ‘meet’ our Higher spirit but there is no merge. There is no ‘wedding’ or if you prefer, feeling of oneness with your Higher spirit, it is just a feeling that they are there – with you, a heightened sense of their presence. You may ‘see’ them in your dreams or deep in your mind – a consistent image of someone you know and feel you have always known.
This experience may be very intense or in those who have undergone many previous stages it may be almost unnoticeable.
It is the start of the enlightenment process.
Alice met her Higher spirit, who is the Red King, and as you can see, the experience was rather subdued as it often is – not unhappy, I emphasise this, it is happy, but there are no intense emotions that go with it. Carroll appears to have well understood that the composer is – well a composer! – a dream maker. Generally the experience in which you meet, but do not merge with your higher spirit is a time of joy because it is a major milestone in your search to know yourself. It is often more peaceful.
Through the Looking Glass
'It's only the Red King snoring,' said Tweedledee. 'Come and look at him!' the brothers cried, and they each took one of Alice's hands, and led her up to where the King was sleeping.
'Isn't he a LOVELY sight?' said Tweedledum.
Alice couldn't say honestly that he was. He had a tall red night-cap on, with a tassel, and he was lying crumpled up into a sort of untidy heap, and snoring loud--'fit to snore his head off!' as Tweedledum remarked.
'I'm afraid he'll catch cold with lying on the damp grass,' said Alice, who was a very thoughtful little girl.
'He's dreaming now,' said Tweedledee: 'and what do you think he's dreaming about?'
Alice said 'Nobody can guess that.'
'Why, about YOU!' Tweedledee exclaimed, clapping his hands triumphantly. 'And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?'
'Where I am now, of course,' said Alice.
'Not you!' Tweedledee retorted contemptuously. 'You'd be nowhere. Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream!'
'If that there King was to wake,' added Tweedledum, 'you'd go out--bang!--just like a candle!
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 65 per cent of Londoners have had a religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical experience
- A description of whirling in action
- A golden shaft of light beamed down through the middle part of his body
- Abraham Ya’ari – Iggrot Erets Yisrael
- African tribal art - Orans
- Agassiz, Louis – A personal description of the effects of the mesmeric state
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 02
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 23 Sufi music, dancing and ecstatic states
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 23 Sufi poetry and ecstatic states
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - How to achieve Union
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - The effect of Union on the body
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - The nature of ecstasy and union
- Amiel, Henri - In ecstasy
- Anacreon - Eros
- Ancestors, the - Art - Beheading
- Ancestors, the - Art - Collin Cleary, From The Stones Cry Out
- Ancestors, the - Art - Ecstasy
- Andrija Puharich - Mushrooms, Parasols and Crowns
- Angela de Foligno - Livre de L’Experience des Vrais Fideles
- Anna from Greece has a NDE from childbirth
- Arifi of Herat - The Ball and the Polo Stick - From every side other riders
- Arifi of Herat - The Ball and the Polo Stick - In his locks he had a thousand hidden curls
- As to ecstasies, I have experienced one, which I remember perfectly
- Ashtavakra Gita - 02 Joy of Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 03 Test of Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 04 Glorification of Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 05 Four Ways to Dissolution
- Ashtavakra Gita - 06 The Higher Knowledge
- Ashtavakra Gita - 07 Nature of Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 08 Bondage and Liberation
- Ashtavakra Gita - 09 Detachment
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Enlightenment
- Attar, Fariduddin - A Dervish in Ecstasy
- Attar, Fariduddin - A Slave's freedom
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Triumph of the Soul
- Auditory hallucinations and acute stroke
- Azriel ben Menahem - On ecstasy
- Azusa street revival
- Babbage, Charles - Expositions
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - The very first out of body experience and ecstasy
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 01 Here we may breathe the thoughts of God
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 02 His body seemed to fall away from him into nothingness
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 08 The Power of Prayer to release the soul from the body
- Balzac, Honoré de - The Exiles - The poor lad thinks himself an angel exiled from heaven
- Bannister, Roger - A new source of power and beauty
- Barrett Browning, Elizabeth - Human Life's Mystery
- Bayazid Bastami
- Beausobre, Iulia de - Tender shepherd, please
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper
- Bishop Campano – On the ecstasy of Marsilio Ficino
- Blithe spirit - Thought palaces in pink and gold
- Botched Surgery produces Ecstasy
- Bowie, David - Black Star
- Brittany - Out of body experiences in sleep and in trance
- Bronte, Emily - From Julian M. and A. G. Rochelle
- Bronte, Emily - The Philosopher - I saw a spirit, standing
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - The Retreat
- Bucke, Dr R M - I had a consciousness that I possessed eternal life
- Burst appendix
- Butler, John - asks "What is salvation?"
- Butler, John - The 'common sense' guide to meditation - Part 1
- Byrne, David - Burning down the house
- Byrne, David - On ecstasy
- Byrne, David - Once In A Lifetime - The God behind the universe is a song
- Byrne, David and St. Vincent - Strange Overtones - A tiny Brotherhood emerges
- Cameron, Norman - From lands where all the flowers have teeth
- Cameron, Norman - My soul is some leviathan in vague distress
- Carpenter, Edward - Love's Vision
- Carpenter, Edward - So thin a veil
- Carsolio, Carlos - Helped by the spirits of the mountain
- Case study of man with an acute stroke and auditory hallucinations
- Case study of stroke victim who heard her dead mother
- Celtic - Spoils of Annwn - 05
- Celtic - The gift of Awen
- Chagall - au dessus de la ville
- Chanting Dervishes
- Chardel, C - The Physiology of Magnetism –Lefrey and a description of the out of body state
- Cheyne, George - A mystic conversion and the healing path
- Child sees spirit helper
- Childbirth experience 05
- CICOM museum - Mayan - 'Sonrietas'
- Claudio Naranjo: The Early Days' Ibogaine Experiments
- Cohen, Leonard - Ballad of the Absent Mare
- Cohen, Leonard - Bat kol
- Cohen, Leonard - Love itself
- Cohen, Leonard - That Don't Make it Junk
- Cohen, Leonard - You have loved enough
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Phantom or Fact
- Composer - Going with the flow
- Conquering and Preventing Stress - By Judith Lynne Hanna
- Corbin, Henry - The Book of Theophanies
- Crosse, Andrew – Beheld with the eye of fancy the unbounded glories of creation, as if the soul had quitted its prison of clay
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Law - Behold! These be grave mysteries
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - A truly truly special experience
- Dancing mania in the 1500s
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – The ecstatic dances of the Sufis of Galand Bagh
- Deaf-mute hears music from Paradise, which he called wonderful, and recovers from serious illness
- Deep light and the great retruthing – Whitehawk
- Dickinson, Emily - I rose because it sank
- Dickinson, Emily - If I'm lost now
- Dickinson, Emily - Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Love for its own sake, lacking an object, begins
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologica - Ecstasy and nirvana
- Dionysos - Villa of Mysteries Pompei - Ecstasy
- Dionysos - Villa of Mysteries Pompei - Eros
- Dionysos - Villa of Mysteries Pompei - The Liknon
- Doris Green - The Takai of Ghana
- Dostoyevsky - Doppelgangers and the story of Goliadkine
- Dostoyevsky - I felt the heaven was going down upon the earth and that it had engulfed me
- Dr George Sava - The Case of the Railwayman's arm
- Dr Joan Halifax -Uvavnuk, the Netsilik Eskimo woman hit by lightning
- Dr Watso - Drumming like he has never done before
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - Know yourself
- Dr Yvonne Kason and the plane crash onto the ice
- Drowning 04
- Drukpa Kunley - 01 And his methods of enlightenment
- Duncan, Isadora - The creation of movements of such spiritual force as to bring a new revelation to mankind
- Eleanor Merry - The Flaming Door
- Elwin, Verrier – The great Karma dance of the Gonds
- Engel,C - The Mode Asbein
- Epilepsy from stress of divorce
- Evans, Margiad - from Autobiography
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Following his destiny
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - I am in the hands of the Gods
- Feelings of presence in Parkinson's disease
- Fever, pneumonia and the spirit on the rock
- Figure skater - Going with the flow
- Finney, Charles G - The illumination of Charles G. Finney
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight
- Gentling the Bull – 03 Finding the Bull
- George Harrison - Behind that locked door
- George Harrison - Mystical One
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Mystic marriage
- Glandular fever
- Gregory of Nyssa - Treatise on Virginity
- Guru Granth – Tukhaari chhant
- Hadewijch - A vision of her Higher Spirit
- Hadewijch - Letters - Letter XVIII
- Hadewijch - Of great Love in high thoughts I long to think, day and night
- Hadewijch - Visions - One Pentecost at dawn I had a vision
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - Boy hand me the wine
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - For that amber scented strand
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - For years my heart had been searching
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - Here is a flower that lifts up a cup
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - Like Hafez drink your wine
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - O royal keen eyed falcon
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - The rose has come into the garden
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - Where is the news
- Harunobu - Shunga
- Harunobu - Shunga
- Harunobu - Shunga
- Harunobu - Shunga
- Harunobu - Shunga
- Hasidism And Jewish Mysticism In Israel
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - from Man on Earth - Exaltation
- Hawkes, Jacquetta – A Land – The gathering of consciousness
- Heine, Heinrich - The North Sea - Thalatta
- Hennell, Thomas - His Adversary
- Herbert, George - from The Collar
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - There appeared a figure clothed in soft blues and greens and purples, infinitely benign and compassionate
- Hi-ah Park – 03 The point of mu a, ecstasy, the death of ego
- Higher spirit help
- Hilton, Walter - Describes the third stage of the spiritual path
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hiroshige - shunga
- Hofmann, Dr Albert - Epiphany
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai - shunga
- Hokusai -shunga
- Holderlin, Johann - To the Sun God
- Holding, Michael - Helped by his Higher spirit
- Holy Cow, Aliens, Soul Marriage, and Divinity - Ayahuasca by Mitra 02
- Holy Cow, Aliens, Soul Marriage, and Divinity - Ayahuasca by Mitra 03
- Hugh of Saint Victor
- Hypnotizing circle dance by Sufi Zikr
- I had an impulse to go on my knees, there in the road beneath the stars
- I Hear A Voice That I Don't Want to Stop Hearing
- I remained in this deep state of union with the saint for about twenty minutes
- Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - And the mystic Beloved
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Diwan - The fedele d’amore
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - She said, 'I wonder at a lover'
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - A ringdove wailed and a sad lover complained
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - As I kissed the Black Stone
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - He saw the lightning in the east
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - My lovesickness is from her of the lovesick eyelids
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - O doves that haunt the arák and bán trees
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - They mounted the howdahs on the swift camels
- In love with the voice in her head
- Into The Flood Ibogaine, iboga Total Aklaloid Extract by Xorkoth
- Isaac Loeb Peretz - Celestial music
- Isaac Luria - Nefilat ‘appayam
- James Cousins - The Quest
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Ineffable good
- Japanese tea ceremony 1
- Japanese tea ceremony 2
- Japanese tea ceremony 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 161 Poem
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Henry Corbin - Al-Insan al-kamil
- John Franklin's lifelong spiritual experiences
- John White on ecstasy
- Judaism and the Kabbalah - Mishnab sukkah 5 - Water Drawing Ceremony
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - The sweet smell of the Holy Ghost
- Kabbalah and Eros – Moshe Idel - Treatise on sex and eroticism in 13th century Castile
- Kabir - O servant where dost thou seek me
- Kapalika Unmatta-Bhairava - Commentary on Madhava's Shanhara Digvijaya (XV.28):
- Kepler, Johannes - The Daemon from Levania from Somnium
- Khristophorous Gallowglaich - A dream of holding hands
- Khristophorous Gallowglaich - Strong energy flows
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1148
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 153
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1850: bakhtam az khvab dar amad chu tu ba man khufti
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 467
- Kipling, Rudyard - Kim - On fasting
- Knocked off bicycle
- Knud Rasmussen - Caribou Eskimo Initiation rite
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Swinging and swaying
- Krishna, Gopi - the kundalini experience - on to ecstasy
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Riding the blades in New York and the USA, August 1982
- Lal Shahbaz Qalandar - The juice of the grape
- Lalla - Dance Lalla, with nothing on
- Lalla - Forgetful one, get up
- Lalla - I wearied myself searching for the Friend
- Lalla - I, Lalla, wore myself down
- Lalla - Those are waiting on; the unobstructed sound
- Lalla - Three times I have seen the lake
- Lalla - Wrapped up in Yourself, You hid from me
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - Nagi
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs. Greyling’s Near Death Experience
- Laubscher, B J F – The amazing powers of Soloman Daba, and the dance with ukwombelela
- Laubscher, B J F – The amazing powers of Soloman Daba, prophecy
- Lawlor - Australian Aborigine - Animal dance ceremony
- Lawrence, D H - Sons and Lovers
- Lawrence, D H - The Rainbow
- Leary, Timothy - The Concord Prison Experiment
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 03 Its form
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 07 1 Diseases which Can Produce the Phenomenon; Epilepsy
- Li Po - A Song of Adieu to the Queen of the Skies, after a dream voyage to her
- Li Po - In the mountains
- Li Qingzhao - I can’t forget that river pavilion
- Li Qingzhao - Night comes, and I’m so drunk it takes forever to undo my hair
- Lindbergh, Charles - Going out of body
- Louis Culling
- Lowell, James Russell - I feel the bandages unroll
- Lowell, James Russell - Now I can see thee clearly The dusky cloud of clay
- Lowry, L S - Portrait of Ann 1957
- Lusseyran, Jacques - And then there was Light
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 26 Going out of body towards the Light
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - The Inner Beauty
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - The Invisible Goodness
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - The Treasure of the Humble - Silence
- Mahavira - Jaina Sutras, Part II - Enlightenment
- Maier, Michael - Atalanta fugiens 1618
- Man crushed by a racehorse has OBE
- Man lives normal life with abnormal brain
- Mare, Walter de la - Music
- Martin the child prodigy and the incredible states of bliss and awe whenever he surrendered to the inner music he felt pouring through his soul
- Masters and Houston - 1 Psychedelics and sex
- Masters and Houston - 4 Psychedelics and sex - Examples
- McMoneagle, Joe - The small voice inside became a lot louder
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - The empyrean
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - The prevalence of spiritual experience
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 07 Sex High priestesses from the cult of Ishtar
- Messner, Reinhold
- Messner, Reinhold
- Michaux, Henri - Turbulent Infinity - On ecstasy
- Michelangelo - 1513 The Captives
- Mike Smith
- Mirabai - In a sudden
- Mirabai - Sister I had a dream
- Mirabai - The saffron
- Mircea Eliade - Possession in the Polynesians
- Mircea Eliade - On the Ghost Dance religion
- Mircea Eliade - The Muria and the horse
- Misc. source - Ura plays the mouth harp
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - A state of grace
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - Good Hope
- Monro, Harold - Child of dawn
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace
- Montague, Charles Edward - In ecstasy
- Mudang spiritual experiences – Expressing Ecstasy via the songs of Muism (muga).
- Mudras - Sokuchi-in - Earth witness
- Music Bureau - Sun emerges and sinks away
- Music Bureau - Watering horses at a spring beneath the Great Wall
- Music Therapy - Nicky O’Neill and Giorgos with Blindness and Osteopetrosis
- NASA Astronauts’ experiences
- Native American Wisdom - Pawnee - Resurrection
- Nay and reed flute
- Nerval, Gerard de - 02 La Reve et Vie
- Nerval, Gerard de - A marvellous vision
- Nerval, Gerard de - I seemed to myself a hero living under the very eyes of the gods
- Nerval, Gerard de - Myrtle
- Newly Connected, Newly Erotic MDMA by box
- Nichols, Robert – From Such was my Singing – The Consummation
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Describing the night and cognising the heart 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Describing the night and cognising the heart 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from On the Ascension
- Northern lights produces guide
- Novalis - Hymns to the Night 1
- Novalis - Hymns to the Night 3
- Nunn, Dr Chris - 01 The mountain of God, the gulf of infinity and the arc of created being
- Oliver Sacks - Bus conductor and angelic voices
- Oliver Sacks - Contact with guardian angel
- Omofolabo Soyinka Ajayi - The transcendental dance
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – M. de Fleuriere describes ecstasy
- Out of body to meet your Higher spirit
- Ovid - From Vesta's Day: Account of her Temple and Ceremonial from Fasti, Book VI
- Parker, Shelley E - A premonition of her fiance's death
- Parmenides - On Nature - 01
- Parrish, Maxfield - Ecstasy [1930]
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Dream of October 1949
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Dream, 20th May 1955
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The pendulum extremes from the thug to the hermit
- Plato - Misc. writings - The Mysteries
- Pordage, John - Eye of God
- Primus, Pearl - African dance
- Prior to the experience, the scientist was a confirmed atheist
- Proclus - And the Mysteries
- Professor Norman Bradburn – Spiritual experience and its correlation with well-being
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals
- Proust, Marcel - from Le Figaro August 16, 1904 - The ecstasy of ritual
- Quakers - George Fox - Now was I come up in spirit
- Quakers - George Fox and The Witches of Pendle Hill
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Paul
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Seizure patients
- Ramana Maharshi - Narasimha Swami - Absorption in the Self continued unbroken
- Ramana Maharshi - Sri Ramana Leela - Akrama mukti
- Rebell, Fred
- Richard Dreyfuss on Living with Bipolar Disorder
- Richard Maurice Bucke - Cosmic consciousness - And the sudden insight
- Richard of St Victor - De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis
- Rig veda - Soma
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 10 Second Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 19 Fourth Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 23 Fifth Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 26 Fifth Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 30 Seventh Elegy
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 02 [and perception recall]
- Ritter, Christiane - How quiet it is here
- Ritter, Christiane - Moonstruck
- Robert Layton - Divine love in a constant stream, like a stream or pencil of sweet light.
- Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - Contacting the Higher spirit for healing
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - About enlightenment
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Burnt by love
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Ecstasy, song and fervour!
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Violence
- Romano, Jacques - The Immortal kiss
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 05 Conjunctio
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 06 The Conception
- Rumi - Mathwani - A voice came from God to Moses
- Rumi - Mathwani - Then Omar said to him
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Beyond a hundred steps of wisdom
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - I am happy tonight
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - I'm stubborn ecstatic and nosy
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - There is no wine without You
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Whisper to me intimately
- Rumi - The Game of Love - You’re in love with love
- Russell, George William - Aerial clashings in an ever-changing musical silvery sound
- Russell, George William - Song and its Fountain
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – I am yours
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Scattered jewels
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Seek me in the Station of Love
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Swimming in the Oceans
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Tasting Union
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Attack of Crashing Oceans
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The attack of the Saints
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 02 from the Panegyric of the Padsham of Islam
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 22 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Sacks, Oliver - In pain
- Sahagun - Aztecs and Mexica - The Poem of Atamalqualitzli
- Sai Baba - Howard Murphet - Dr. D K Bannerjee Professor of Organic Chemistry witnesses transmutations and transfigurations
- Saint Augustine - Confessions - I entered into my innermost citadel
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Wind, Sand and Stars
- Sales, Francois de - The outflowing of a soul into her God
- Samavedas – Book 04 Chapter 01, V Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 04 Chapter 01, XXI Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 07 Chapter 02, V Agni
- Samavedas – Book 08 Chapter 02, V Vishnu
- Samavedas – Book 08 Chapter 03, IX Asvins
- Samavedas – Book 08 Chapter 03, VI Dawn
- Saved from murder and rape by a Spirit helper
- Schubert - 'Mein Traum'
- Schulz, Charles - Sometimes I lie awake at night
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – 10 Reconstruction of an Initiation ceremony
- Schwabe, Carlos - L'Homme et la Mer
- Scotland, Hebrides - Protestant minister sees spirit beings
- Shackleton, Sir Ernest
- Shackleton, Sir Ernest
- Sheikh el Melewi
- Sheikh el Melewi’s vision
- Shih Ching - In the wilds there is a dead doe
- Shih Ching - Osprey's call
- Shinran – and Amitābha’s vow
- Sikhism – Japji 08
- Sikhism – Japji 10
- Sikhism – Japji 11
- Sikhism – Japji 12
- Sikhism – Japji 13
- Sikhism – Japji 15
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 097
- Simpson, Joe
- Slocum, Joshua
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – In every creature entrusted to your care, behold Me and the work will be easy
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Suicide prevented by a vision of her Saviour
- Snow, Charles Percy - From The Search
- Sojourner Truth - 05 Isabella's Religious Experience - Part 2
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - The Making of a High Priestess
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 05 - The Nativity
- Spender, Richard - Laughing Blood - Prayer after Visions
- Sri Aurobindo - 03 Book III Canto II - 02
- Sri Aurobindo - 04 Savitri Book IV Canto I
- Sri Aurobindo - Because Thou Art
- Sri Aurobindo - Bliss of Identity
- Sri Aurobindo - Bride of the Fire
- Sri Aurobindo - I have a hundred lives
- Sri Aurobindo - Jivanmukta
- Sri Aurobindo - Krishna
- Sri Aurobindo - The Dreamboat
- Sri Aurobindo - The Guest
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Tranquil repose
- St Edmund - On the bliss and peace of ecstasy and nirvana
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Inner speech
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The need for courage
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The understanding of the ecstatic
- Sterry, Peter - There is a spiritual man that lies hid under the natural man
- Sting talks about ayahuasca
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Every idea is an intellectual child
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Sigma
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Testimonial from Sir and Lady J G C
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - The practise of karezza
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Union of the Higher spirits
- Subhuti - from 101 Zen stones - flowers
- Suhrawardi - Book of Elucidations - A narrative and a dream
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 2415
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 2741
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3821
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3886
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3908
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3908
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 4184
- Surfing
- Swimming
- Symeon the New Theologian - As soon as your mind has experienced
- Symeon the New Theologian - How is it I can love You
- Symeon the New Theologian - In the midst of that night, in my darkness
- Symeon the New Theologian - The Light of your Way
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- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song VII of Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XII, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXX to XXXXIX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXXX to XXXXXII, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXXXX to XXXXXXIX, Gitanjali
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- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD
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- The Khlystys - Possessed by the Spirit
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 01 Sexual techniques - The experience of absolute Light attained through maithuna
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