Observations placeholder
65 per cent of Londoners have had a religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical experience
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
Invisible input - bliss and peace
Invisible input - divine love
Invisible input - healing
Invisible input - inspiration
Invisible input - other
Moksha and nirvana
Near death
Other spiritual experiences
Out of body
Out of time
Perception recall
Pure or enhanced perception
A description of the experience
Near death experiences - Ornella Corazza
This Study was carried out at the Department of the Study of Religions at SOAS, University of London. Olga Pupynin and Simon Brodbeck carried out an original piece of research called 'Religious Experience in London'.
They asked passers-by in Tralalgar Square, 'What kind of things have made you feel most sublime?' They collected a wide range of replies ranging from 'being in love', to the beauty of nature', to knowing 'God was present'.
Then the participants were asked: 'Have you ever had an experience which you could categorize as sacred, religious, spiritual, ecstatic, paranormal, or mystical?'
The researchers were amazed to find out that 65 per cent of those interviewed had had an experience, which could be defined 'as religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical' (Pupynin and Brodbeck 2001).