Invisible input - other
Invisible input - other
Other forms of invisible input do exist besides the main ones I have listed, however, they are often difficult to spot.
Forgiveness, for example, appears to be one that very occasionally crops up, a sense that despite all you have done that was silly and stupid it is accepted you tried your best, with the minimal number of neurons you had available.
After all we are not Intelligences, we are closer to Beings.
I once had an odd sense of laughter – but maybe that is just me – I’m not sure whether they were laughing with me or at me.
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- 65 per cent of Londoners have had a religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical experience
- Aloe vera supplements
- Anon - Angels
- Ball, Dr Martin - Throat singing
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- Seeing in the dark
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- Sojourner Truth - 01 The Escape
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- Zohar - II 063b – Prayer