Observations placeholder
Strindberg, August - The Inferno
Type of Spiritual Experience
One of the oddest sensations one can get from spiritual experience is that of spirit input of an undefined nature flooding through you. I have felt it during acupuncture sessions as a wonderfully cooling form of something that cannot be defined, like water flooding through my poor over heated body and brain.
August Strindberg, as well as John Custance, experienced exactly the same thing during their manic phases.
My input was healing, Strindberg's was possibly inspiration - inner speech, Custance was often very lucky and received wisdom.
As all of us have noted these forces can really be felt physically.
A description of the experience
The Inferno - August Strindberg
Then I feel, at first only faintly, something like an inrush of electric fluid. I look at my compass but it shows no sign of wavering. It is not electricity then. But the tension increases; my heart beats violently; I offer resistance, but as if by a flash of lightning my body is charged with a fluid which chokes me and depletes my blood.