Perception recall
Perception recall
An experience in which you go through events of this life and possibly past lives and ‘relive them’. It uses your perceptions. Thus perception recall is perfect access to your perceptions – the reliving of past events.
It can be used to see what is preventing you from merging with your higher spirit.
The perceptions may be presented to you as perfect recall flashbacks or they may be presented by the composer as an allegory or story to save you from the trauma of the real event. The objective is to relearn and adjust your memory so that your beliefs better match the reality of the situation.
The objective is not to forget, but to relearn and adapt memory.
The snapshots in the log are being created all the time in a regular manner – the flicker rate of the eye determines at what rate images are recorded in the same way that the shutter speed of a movie camera determines how often the images are taken in a movie film. Every observer is contributing to his or her log.
But in dreams and visions the replay rate can often be different to the recording rate. People can see things going by really quickly or the whole process seems to slow down to the point where it seems almost slow motion.
In a dream or vision there is no reason for the replay of images to be at the same rate as the rate it was recorded. This is why dreams and visions can be so different to our recall of memory of actual life. All is determined by the replay rate.
For some extra background information see:
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- 65 per cent of Londoners have had a religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical experience
- A past life experience of Salem
- A past life experience of WWI - and an intense, vivid memory of laying in a dark dugout
- A Psycho-Spiritual Experience Ibogaine by KBF
- Abercrombie - Essay on Intellectual Powers – Recall of being a baby
- Accidental leak in starter fluid causes near death
- Aitken, Professor Alexander - Perception recall examples
- Aitken, Professor Alexander - Theories writing themselves
- Albertine M – the 28 year old girl who regressed to a 7 year old child
- Alfred Moll - And the English officer in Africa who spoke Welsh
- Allan Pring undergoes a life review during his NDE
- Alphonse Bue falls from a great height and relives his past life
- American footballer
- Anatomical origin of déjà vu and vivid 'memories' in human temporal lobe epilepsy
- Anne Sexton - Briar Rose
- Ansel Bourne goes AWOL
- Art F from Greenville, South Carolina
- As they were tagging his toe to identify him as a dead man, he found himself out of his body
- At the dentists he had probably received an overdose of the medication
- Auditory hallucinations and acute stroke
- Azam, Dr Etienne Eugène - Hypnotism, Double Consciousness and alterations of personality – Speaking in unknown languages
- Bayard Taylor - Metempsychosis of the Pine
- BBC man woke from coma believing it was 1952 and he was American racing driver
- Beaufort, Admiral Sir Francis – Drowning, experiencing bliss and reliving his life in perfect detail
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - Understanding destiny on point of death
- Black Sabbath – The ghosts of Compton House
- Bob Marley - On love
- Boirac, Professor Emile - Revue philosophique de la France - Deja vu
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - In the course of these dives a diversity of personalities frequently appears
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 02 Professor A. Pastore, of the Royal High School of Genoa has a NDE
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - Past life
- Captain Humphries - National Review – The dead bulldog apparently returns
- Carpenter, Edward - So thin a veil
- Cash, Johnny – Moma, my brother Jamie is here
- Cassidy, Joe - And 'ghosts'
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a spirit
- Castle of seven staircases
- Cazalis, Henri - I have been here many times
- Chandler and Hartman - LSD treatment can be dangerous unless the psychiatrist has had plenty of it himself
- Christos - Windows of the Mind - Becoming a bird
- Christos - Worlds within - Blind girl sees
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 01 The Report Of Tamon Dempachirô
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 02 Letter Written By Kazunawo To Teikin, Priest Of Sengakuji
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 03 Letter Of Matsudaira Kwanzan [Daimyô] To The Priest Teikin Of The Temple Called Sengakuji
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 04 Description of the Family of Genzô and the Family of Hanshirô
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 05 The account as related by Matsudaira Kwanzan Sama
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A woman patient's reliving of her childhood trauma
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Sonnet September 1796
- Cornillier with his medium Reine and some alleged past lives
- Crazy Suciac died and shortly afterwards gave a message through the illiterate medium Antonio that he had been Lord de Sangarren
- Crosse, Andrew – Recalling perceptions perfectly of when he was two years old
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Anatomical studies
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Anatomical studies
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Anatomical studies - foetus in the womb
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Head of Christ
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Portrait of a musician
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Salvator Mundi
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - St John the Baptist
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - La Belle Ferroniere
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Leda and the Swan
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Madonna Litta
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Madonna with the Yarnwinder
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Mona Lisa
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Portrait of Ginevra Benci
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - studies
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Studies
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - The Lady with the Ermine, Cecilia Gallerani
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Caricatures
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Grotesques
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Heads of Men
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Heads of men
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Heads of men
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Heads of men - Saints
- Dad and the phoenix
- Daniel Tammet
- Daumal, Rene - A Fundamental experiment - Part 1
- Déjà vu experiences are rarely associated with pathological dissociation
- Déjà Vu Experiences in Healthy Czech Adults
- Déjà vu experiences in patients with schizophrenia
- Demographic and psychological features of déjà vu experiences in a nonclinical Japanese population
- Dimenhydrinate and caffeine
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 01
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 02
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 03
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 04
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 05
- Doré, Gustave - Scotland - 06
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A patient of Dr T. Green
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – George Sandwith
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – John L. Lane has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Leslie Grant Scott has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss Marion Price goes out of time
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr S. H. Kelley, of Southport has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Gwen Cripps
- Dr Stephen Black - Curing stammerers
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - Know yourself
- Drowned - his entire previous life was taking place in retrograde succession
- Drowning 08
- Dunne, J. W. - An Experiment with Time – The method to be used to prophecy or obtain past perceptions whilst awake
- Erickson, Roky - I Have Always Been Here Before
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 34 A possible case of the the psychometric revival of a cat and a dog
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 45 Smoky the deceased Persian cat appears as a ghost to four witnesses
- Ether butterflies
- Eusevgny Faygdish – Mystic Cosmos - Past lives as a metaphor
- Eusevgny Faygdysh - The Mystic Cosmos - Psychological trauma and illness
- Examples of ‘Buried Treasure’ in Reincarnation Cases
- Experiencing hypnotic regression therapy
- Fall down ice covered mountain
- Falling down and meeting a monk
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Inca 'Mnemonists'
- Fernandez Colavida – The medium who could be regressed back four incarnations
- Floating in the North Sea
- Foer, Joshua - National Geographic - Remember this
- Freedom Long, Max - Becomes a rock
- From life to death, beyond and back - Dr Thomas Fleischmann - TEDxTUHHSalon
- Gardner, Ingrid - A past life session
- Gardner, Ingrid - Recall of his daughters wedding
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection - Perception recall 1
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection - Perception recall 2
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection - Perception recall 3
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - The stages and effects of hypnotism
- Gilles Trehin
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - The worldly see the All
- Graham Tidman and Hole House
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Experiments - Perception recall
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Collective and racial experience
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Dana relives a traumatic experience from infancy
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Emotion as the principle index to perceptions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - On core experiences
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Peter relives being locked in the cellar
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Rebuilding memory from perceptions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Reliving being licked by an enormous cow
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The Dangers of 'False memory'
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The sad case of Renata
- Gurdjieff - Man Is a Plural Being (1922)
- Hallucinating the past: a case of spontaneous and involuntary recall of long-term memories: perspectives on the hemispheric organization of visual memory
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease
- Have you seen the eyes of your father?
- He had been in a bubble that seemed like a womb and that he just seemed to go back and back in time
- Heim, Professor Albert von St Gallen - And his near death experience
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - At the SPR in Tavistock Square, I used to meet an invisible man wandering about the small room at the back of the stairs
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I realized that in some intangible way I was at times aware of lesser presences in certain places
- Highway construction causes visions
- Holy Cow, Aliens, Soul Marriage, and Divinity - Ayahuasca by Mitra 03
- How to destroy your mind
- Howard Storm - And his terrifying rebirth experience
- Hugh Miller and the cataract
- I just see random half-human people sitting by my bed
- I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying - Dr Christopher Kerr - TEDxBuffalo
- In agreement with the murdered nephew who happened to be my father's current wife at the time, they agreed to kill my father in order to satisfy carnal passions
- Inaudi - The mental calculator
- Intense and recurrent déjà vu experiences related to amantadine and phenylpropanolamine in a healthy male
- Interesting, Not Eager to Repeat It Amanitas - A. muscaria by ChemBob
- Jack Hitt and TMS
- James Leininger's past life
- Jane Dunlap - Past lives or a vision?
- Jane Dunlap - Reliving a cherished childhood event
- Jane Dunlap - The story of Helen and her death wish
- Janet, Pierre - L'Automatisme psychologique – False pregnancy brought on by suggestion
- Janet, Pierre - L'Automatisme psychologique – Sight returns to Mary via suggestion
- Janet, Pierre - Névroses et les idées fixes (On neuroses and fixed ideas), - Subliminal memory
- Jenkins, Stephen - Mounts Bay Cornwall on a ley line node point
- Jewess with strange visions
- Jonathan has a dangerous car crash and sees his life flash before him
- Julie from Lllanelli could stop watches after her NDE
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - Past lives
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - The Truth
- Jung, C G - Psychological Types (1921)
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Hurt produces walls and more hurt
- La vision de l'eternite Amanita muscaria by Alligator_427
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Graham Tidman relives a past life
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The fourth dimension
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - Footsteps in the night
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - It made one feel that it would be nicer to have a light on when trying to go to sleep
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - On our lack of observational ability
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 04 Anxiety
- Life review
- Lilly, John - Perception versus Memory
- Lovecraft, H P - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Low Doses of Dipropyltryptamine in Psychotherapy - Interview 9
- Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities - Chongtul Rinpoche - TEDxFultonStreet
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh - Reliving his life
- MacLaine, Shirley - Past lives
- MacLaine, Shirley - The death of her parents
- Madame D's dreams
- Mail online - How to get high without drugs: Is hyperventilating your way into a trance using 'holotropic breathwork' the latest new age craze
- Masters and Houston - Age regression
- Masters and Houston - False memories true perceptions
- Masters and Houston - Perception recall as an aid to purification
- Masters and Houston - Time distortion
- McMoneagle, Joe - Poisoned by someone who doctored his drink
- Methemphetamine psychosis
- Michael Harner - On quartz crystals
- Miss A Goodrich-Freer uses her crystal ball
- Monroe, Robert - Reviews his past lives
- Morrells, Luce and feeling the vibes of the crypt at Glastonbury
- Mrs Jane O'Neill of Cambridge
- My Wealth of Knowledge - Drixoral Cough Liqui-Caps and Robitussin - by E. Gates
- My whole life kind of flashed in front of me
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Pale Fire
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Speak, Memory - Visions
- Nastatia Filipovna and the crystal ball
- Natasha of Cardiff has a near death from whooping cough
- Near death on Cough syrup
- Neumann, John von - Instant recall
- Nicholson, Jack – The Tragedy of The Trip
- Nicola Peart recalls the time she was a boy
- Niebuhr
- Nightmares and war
- No Gripes, No Complaints, No Regrets – by fisher fly EROWID
- Ochorowicz, Dr Julian - Mental Suggestion – 002 A 17 year old under hypnosis who could read a book blindfolded
- Oliver Sacks - Mrs O' C and the crystal radio
- Oliver Sacks - Mrs O'C feels herself back in Ireland
- Oliver Sacks - Musical prodigy
- Oliver Sacks - Stephen goes out of body
- Oliver Sacks - The Twins
- Osmond, Dr Humphry - The Past welled up in the present
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - describes the process
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – M. de Fleuriere 's impressions of Madame Magdalena Duplex
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – M. de Fleuriere visualising the loom of time
- Out of Body by Choking
- Out of body experience
- Parachute didn't open
- Parry, Bruce - BBC Ibogaine experience
- Past lives
- Perception recall from fever
- Pericles Diamendi - Prodigy and calculator
- Peter Panagore's NDE and Why He Regretted Coming Back
- Phil Collin's past life
- Physical abuse
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Ten years of therapy in one night – 02
- Plato - Meno - On reincarnation and past lives
- Pollock twins - from the PSI Encyclopedia - Reincarnation
- Popol Vuh Museum - Guatemala city - The 'butterfly catcher'
- Previn, André – The effects of LSD
- Priestley, J B - And perhaps, the future is there too, winking at us
- Prince Emile de Sayn de Wittgenstein - Reincarnation, past lives and possession
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Helping an actor remember his lines
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost time Volume 6 - A Vision of azure blue
- Proust, Marcel - Remembrance of Things Past [Swann’s way] - The Madeleine
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Past lives
- Quincey, Thomas de - Music invokes the display of the whole of my past life
- Quincey, Thomas de - The inscriptions remain forever
- Rabbi Alon Anava - Is there life after death? Is God real? Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience)
- Raikov, Professor Vladimir L - Psychic Discoveries – 05 Regressing his student Luba so she could see the world with the eyes of a child
- Rajaa Benamour is taught quantum physics whilst anaesthetised
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Paul
- Randles, Jenny - Supernatural Pennines - Lets go
- Reincarnated lama, the
- Religious trauma
- Richet, Charles - L’Homme et l'Intelligence (Man and Intelligence) - Perception
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 02 [and perception recall]
- Ritter, Christiane - Seventy-eight days of darkness have already passed
- Romano, Jacques - The case of the 'Pomerantz hotel'
- Run over by a train – It was as if the judgment book had been opened before his eyes
- Russell, George William - Candle of Vision
- Russell, George William - Song and its Fountain - The waking dream
- Sacks, Oliver - Perceptions as a means of 'knowing thyself'
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Wind, Sand and Stars
- Samuel Rogers - Man's going home
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – 09 Reconstruction of an Initiation ceremony
- Scott, Sir Peter - The process of inspiration in painting
- Seeing historical events in detail
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Soap-bubbles, glass, and mirrors
- Sellers, Peter - I'm Alright Jack- Past life, Multiple Personality or Possession?
- Sellers, Peter – 01 from Out on a Limb – Past life recall
- Sellers, Peter – 03 from Out on a Limb – Destiny and know yourself
- Sensory deprivation and its positive effect on perception
- Sensory deprivation as a means of identifying buried psychological trauma
- Sensory deprivation, inspiration and creativity
- Sensory deprivation, out of time and perception recall
- Sensory deprivation, the panic button and Room 101
- She found herself in the presence of pure Light and Peace
- She who, the day before, spoke only in a bad German dialect began to speak very correctly in French, telling that she had incarnated poorly
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Capacity and duration of perceptions
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Learning how to control the recall
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Mental walks to aid recall
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling tables of numbers
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling the perceptions of childhood
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Using images and symbols to help in recall
- Shiny objects
- Showing Me Myself - Cacti - T. peruvianus by Pulsetsar EROWID
- Spencer, Stanley - 1917 Macedonia
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 02 - Boatyards
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 03 - Wisteria
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 04 - Cookham
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 05 - Englefield 1954
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 06 - Pines
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 07 - Allotments
- Spencer, Stanley - Portraits 04
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 04 - Scarecrow Cookham 1934
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 07 - A village in heaven 1937
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 10 - The Blacksmith's Yard
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 13 - Garden, Greenhouse and onions
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 15 - Waterfalls, rivers and locks
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 17 - Marsh, meadow, wheel
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity - A LONG COMMUNICATION OF A VERY PERSONAL NATURE
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity - MRS SPEER'S LOST RELATIVE
- Stead, William - part 06 - In the woods watching a drowning boy
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Birth marks and past life trauma
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Child with three buffalo and two cows
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Joseph accesses his dead uncle's perceptions
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life as a Japanese soldier
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life as hit and run victim
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life in the Lebanon
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Strangled by a demented brother
- Sylvie and Bruno - The Outlandish watch
- The case of Sunny Ray
- The Day That Changed My Life MDMA by Igloo
- The frequency of déjà vu (déjà rêve) and the effects of age, dream recall frequency and personality factors
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD
- The Head of the Psychiatric Department at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London receives German automatic writing
- The life review and the NDE 01
- The life review and the NDE 02
- The little boy who could remember his birth
- The little imbecile woman who died raving mad from ill-treatment by her cruel husband and haunted the house where they once lived
- The old German forester who spoke, prayed, and sang, just in Polish, under anaesthesia
- The professional guitarist, the car accident and the golden wall
- The psychometric powers of Senora Maria Reyes de Z
- The soundless music research project
- The story of Jeanne R. as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité
- The story of Louis V.... as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité
- The terror of the hostage victim
- The very esteemed Dr. Cailleu lucid dreams past lives
- Théodule-Armand Ribot - The Diseases of Memory - Higher spirit, Perceptions and Personalities
- There and Back Again: A Journey to Death 5-MeO-DMT by Harry Shimlight
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Ngari reincarnation
- TIHKAL - Alexander Shulgin - MeO-MiPT
- TIME magazine - And skydiver Bob Hall
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Down the rabbit hole or through the mirror
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 01 The Case of Prakash
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 02 The Case of Prakash
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 03 The Case of Jasbir
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 04 The Case of Jasbir
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 05 The Case of Sukla
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 06 The Case of Sukla
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 07 The Case of Swarnlata
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 08 The Case of Swarnlata
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 09 The Case of Swarnlata
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 10 The Case of Ravi Shankar
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 11 The Case of Ravi Shankar
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 12 The Case of Mallika
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 13 The Case of Parmod
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 14 The Case of Parmod
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 15 The Case of Gnanatilleka
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 16 The Case of Gnanatilleka
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 17 The Case of Wijeratne
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 18 The Case of Wijeratne
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 19 The Case of Ranjith Makalanda
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 20 The Case of Marta Lorenz
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 21 The Case of Marta Lorenz
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 22 The Case of Paulo Lorenz
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 23 The Tlingits of Alaska an overview
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 24 The Case of Jimmy Svenson
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 25 William George Jr
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 26 Charles Porter
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 27 Norman Despers
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 28 Henry Elkin
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 29 Derek Pitnov
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 30 Corliss Chotkin Jr
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 31 Introduction to the Cases in Lebanon, the Druses
- Tyaga the Road of Fire - 05
- Ugo Zaneboni - The Mental calculator
- Uncovering the Self with the Ancient Soma Amanitas - A. muscaria by Shakti's Disciple
- Under hypnosis, she was able to remember the entire accident
- Valentina Wasson - I Ate the Sacred Mushrooms
- Vaughan, Dr Alan - The process of giving a psychic reading described
- Vaughan, Henry - Vanity of spirit
- Very Bizzare Trip - Mushrooms by Faust
- Very fast movie. Just highlights, just certain things
- Vietnam perfect recall
- Vignoli, Tito - On an artist's perception recall ability
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Running through your past life
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The ayahuasca ceremony
- Visions from abuse
- Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse-Five
- Where or When - George Michael
- Whiteman, J H M glimpses fragments from many past lives
- Whiteman, J H M relives a happy moment in a lucid dream
- Whiteman, J H M relives a lovely moment on the moor
- Whiteman, J H M relives a loving moment
- Whiteman, J H M relives a moment with a beautiful child
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a 16 year old girl
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a child of 8 with a floppy hat
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a little girl
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a street urchin
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a sucking baby
- Whiteman, J H M relives being a toddler
- Whiteman, J H M relives being kissed by his past life husband
- Whiteman, J H M relives being kissed on the eyes
- Whiteman, J H M relives meeting his sister and brother
- Whiteman, J H M relives nursing a sick baby
- Whiteman, J H M relives putting on the red dress
- Whiteman, J H M relives the freedom of being a child on holiday
- Whiteman, J H M relives the moment of seeing your own newborn baby
- Whiteman, J H M relives walking in the park as a child
- Whiteman, J H M relives wearing a white coat and black shoes
- Whiteman, J H M reliving the love in a wood
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Gary Pennington 01
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Gary Pennington 02
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Gary Pennington 03
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Gary Pennington 04
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 01
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 02
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 03
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 04
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 05
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 07
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Jenny Saunders 05
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Jenny Saunders 06
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Linda Irving [extract from full case history]
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 01
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 02
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 03
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 04
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 05
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 06
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Michael Gallander 07
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Proof of the existence of past lives
- Whitton, Dr Joel - The Bardo – a Summary of Case histories
- William Howell has NDE from heart attack and cardiac arrest
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - A Typical Past Life Session in Therapy
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - Alice
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - As this highly unsavory individual, I found myself in the thick of hideous massacres
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - Peter's Story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - The despair 'I' seemed to have died with in 1933
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - The guardian of the threshold
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A failure to form close relationships with men
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as an epileptic taken to an asylum
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as an impoverished Dutch painter
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as the daughter of Russian peasants who have been massacred by cossacks
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Arlette the Opera singer with stage fright
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – At the famous Wailing Wall, he found himself weeping uncontrollably
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Burton - I'm trying to hold my dying body together, I am angry, it isn’t working
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Edith and the terrorist who blew himself up
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Eliza and the baby with the deformed heart
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Elizabeth’s story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Jane’s story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – On one horrible occasion he chased them all with an axe
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Sherry and her past life as a Roman soldier
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Stuck in one of those vicious circles where negativity seems to feed upon itself
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – The Death of a Peasant
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Tormented by impotence
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Tormented by memories of a severe childhood nightmare of flashing eyes and teeth
- Wren-Lewis, John - A Terrible Beauty: Reflections on Love and the Near-Death Experience
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Perception recall
- Zen priest - The Hellraiser leaf 1
- Zen priest - The Hellraiser leaf 2