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Observations placeholder

She who, the day before, spoke only in a bad German dialect began to speak very correctly in French, telling that she had incarnated poorly



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Léon Denis: Le problème de l'Etre et de la Destinée (The Problem of Being and Destiny), page 289.

As quoted by Gabriel Delanne - Materials for use in the Study of Reincarnation

I have personally known Prince Wiscznicwski, who has always seemed to me worthy of the utmost trust. Mrs. Noeggerath, the author of the book Survival, heard the prince relate the same story and reported it to Mr. de Rochas. This time, the amnesia of the past disappeared so well during sleepwalking that the unfortunate woman not only resurrected her tragic past, but also used the French language, the first word of which she ignored in a normal state.

Prince Adam de Wisznicwski, 7, rue du Débarcadère in Paris, gives us the following report. He owes it to the witnesses themselves, some of whom are still living and have consented to be designated only by initials.

Prince Galitzin, the Marquis de B..., the Count of R... were reunited in the summer of 1862 at the waters of Homburg.

One evening, after a very late dinner, they were walking in the casino park; they saw a poor woman lying on a bench. Having approached and questioned her, they invited her to come to dinner at the hotel. After she had had dinner with a great appetite, Prince Galitzin, who was a magnetizer, had the idea of putting her to sleep. After many passes, he succeeded. What a surprise it was to those present when, deeply asleep, she who, the day before, spoke only in a bad German dialect began to speak very correctly in French, telling that she had incarnated poorly as a punishment for having committed a crime in her previous life, in the 18th century. She then lived in a castle in Brittany, by the sea. Having taken a lover, she wanted to get rid of her husband and threw him into the sea from a rock. She pointed out the crime scene with great precision.

Thanks to these indications, Prince Galitzin and the Marquis de B... were later able to travel to Brittany, in the Côtes-du-Nord, separately, and carry out two investigations with identical results. At first, having questioned many people, they were unable to gather any information. They finally found the old peasants who remembered hearing from their parents about a young and beautiful lady who had killed her husband by throwing him into the sea. Everything that the poor woman from Homburg had said in the sleepwalking state was recognized as correct.

Prince Galitzin on his return to France, passing through Homburg again, questioned the police commissioner about this woman. This official told him that she was uneducated, spoke only a common German dialect and lived only on the meagre resources of a soldier-woman.



The source of the experience

Delanne, Gabriel

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




