Observations placeholder
Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Running through your past life
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Soul Retrieval – Dr Alberto Villoldo
The second tier of the Upper world is much more pleasant for humans than the first. You can see, and all your senses are available to you, but there continues to be suffering as you purge from your last lifetime. In this plane, the tide of time still exerts a pull, and cause and effect still predominate.
Here the many streams of your previous lifetimes, run into the currents of your most recent existence. You not only recapitulate and experience the events of your recent past, but those of many other incarnations as well. You meet beings you recognise and who recognise you. As in a dream, people form the distant past and from your recent lifetimes appear and seek forgiveness or vengeance. You can interact with them, but as in dreams, scenes change rapidly and it takes a long time to find resolution.
The source of the experience
Villoldo, AlbertoConcepts, symbols and science items
Past lifePerception
Perception recall
Perceptions - accessing perceptions
Perceptions - what happens to perceptions