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Whiteman, J H M relives being kissed by his past life husband
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is a simple perception recall, but Whiteman firmly believed it to be a mystical experience - that he was being kissed by God. He said he was drawn in love
'rather as in those experiences of mystical form liberation where men (or rather masculine monadic embodiments of the Divine Humanity) have been to me in statu Dei'.
This comment was added later to the experience.
But the experience is perception recall and it was of a time when he was female and very very happy and being kissed by his/her fiancee or husband, as he says
'I felt a shock almost of fear at the heart, rather as if I had thought it was my fiance or husband whom I had been kissing.'
Well perhaps it was.
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(August 5, 1954) I became reflectively conscious in a state which was dark but without any trace of fantasy, to find in front of me a man to whom I was drawn in love......I barely saw the man ..., but I felt the intimate comfort of his presence strongly, and spontaneously going into his arms I abandoned myself to kissing and being kissed by him, for about half a minute. I had to turn my face up to him, and he seemed to bend down a little to reach me. At the time I was hardly conscious of anything else, because of the abandonment of love and the touch on the lips; the impression now is that I had my eyes shut nearly all the time.
Collecting myself, finally, and wondering whether perhaps I ought not to have abandoned myself so much, even though he was as God to me, I drew my face a little away though still remaining in his arms, and my lips came in contact with the bare flesh of his right shoulder, in an altogether more material way than the way I was conscious of the kisses-in fact the sensation and whole impression of the experience then seemed practically physical, and even more vividly tangible than any ordinary physical experience.
I felt a shock almost of fear at the heart, rather as if I had thought it was my fiance or husband whom I had been kissing.