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Observations placeholder

Captain Humphries - National Review – The dead bulldog apparently returns



Type of Spiritual Experience


Here no telepathic action of the dog can be invoked as an explanation.  And a visual hallucination of both mechanics is needed, since, on several occasions, they saw the ghost of the bulldog quite clearly so they whistled in order to make him leave.  Was it the grief of the wife after the death of the loved dog – the high emotion – that resulted in a replay of earlier events?  It should be noted that these apparitions took place a few months after the animal's death.  There is definitely a replay sense to the hallucinations as the dog is not killed instead “it usually passed over the little wall”.

A description of the experience

As quoted in Gabriel Delanne - Materials for use in the study of Reincarnation

A ghost dog

I quote from The Animal's Guardian, which reproduced them, - several stories of animal appearances written in the National Review by Captain Humphries, who gathered them during his travels in many countries. Their general character can be judged by the following story, which the captain attests, was told to him by a friend and his wife, and whose plausibility is not in doubt.

While they were in southern Africa, their home was very close to the railroad line, from which their garden was separated only by a very small wall. At that time they had a magnificent bulldog who was allowed to walk everywhere, because of its perfect conduct.  In its attempts to escape one locomotive, however, the dog was killed by another one.

A few months later, the mechanics/drivers of the two evening trains were still using their whistles. This fact was very annoying to the owner of the dead dog. In addition, his wife was in poor health and was often in bed. The husband stopped one of the mechanics/train drivers one day after work and asked him if the whistles were really necessary, since there was nothing on the rail-road. First of all, the man was surprised to be questioned on this subject, but the husband repeated the question by mentioning his wife's illness.

Then the mechanic explained that the writer's friend had the solution in his own hands, since the whistle was blown only to prevent his dog from being hit, as it would often cross the line and would not worry until it had been warned in this way, when it usually passed over the little wall we were talking about.

The description given of the dog was consistent in every detail with the dog that had been killed. This apparition continued for a few months at different intervals.

The source of the experience

Delanne, Gabriel

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


