Observations placeholder
Whiteman, J H M relives being a sucking baby
Type of Spiritual Experience
Maybe past life, maybe this life
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(July 1932) In a separated state, but not entered by any movement of departure from the physical body, I became aware of being in a peaceful contemplative frame of mind, with attention chiefly focused on the motion of the lips. Although I seemed in such perfect wakefulness that I might never have left the physical world, my mind was most evidently that of an infant, and the motion of the lips, which was astonishing and defies description, was equally evidently that of sucking, as at the breast. The lips were full and soft, and the feeling in them was as if the separate interweaving muscular flbres could be discerned, moving spontaneously ..This contemplation lasted about ten seconds.