Observations placeholder
Whiteman, J H M relives wearing a white coat and black shoes
Type of Spiritual Experience
Whiteman at no stage admited the existence of perception recall, as such he was always interpreting his experiences to be out of body and a 'clothing' of himself with some sort of persona more suited to where he imagined he was on the spiritual scale.
But a very large number of his experiences are just that - perception recall - which makes it all the more comical when he found himself wearing ordinary things - a state which he describes as 'incongruous' because of his belief that somehow he'd reached some exalted state where he shouldn't be in hobnailed boots or the like.
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(July l941) In a comparatively obscure experience, I held in my hands a short coat of some white material and then put it on, conscious vaguely of two-or three women standing near and looking at me. My age was possibly 12 to 14 years. When I had the coat on, I turned up one corner at the bottom and saw that it had a beautiful silk lining.
Further down, by an irruption of fantasy-light [sic], I seemed to see myself incongruously wearing a man's black-walking-shoes, like those worn in the physical world.
Acute distaste at this ugly lapse brought about a quick return.