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Whiteman, J H M relives the freedom of being a child on holiday
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
I was standing upright, on a road passing straight through level country with arms extended upwards in joyful freedom, … aged as if about 13 years. The light seemed quite as bright as that of full physical sunlight, and far more vivid, while the sense of space was also intensely vivid.
I was wearing a kind of beach-hat, with very wide circular brim; but wishing to be more free about the head, I pushed it back, and it either dropped to the ground or slipped over on to my back. My hair still felt rather tightly kept down. There was a slight pressure as of something hard just over and behind my right ear, but I could not decide whether it was a hair-grip, or an Alice band or something else of that kind.
Running my fingers through my hair, I loosened it without any difficulty, and the object pressing on my head seemed no longer there. In length, the hair seemed about five inches long, noticeably finer in texture than my physical hair, lying rather straight, and as if cut at the ends, which seemed to me surprising.