Observations placeholder
Whiteman, J H M relives being a child of 8 with a floppy hat
Type of Spiritual Experience
Maybe past life, maybe this life
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(December 1932) Being separated in the form of a child of about 7 or 8 years, and in a refreshing spiritual state, I was so filled with joy that I began to dance, playfully throwing up in the air and catching again a loppy felt hat which I presume I had been wearing. Presently it flew off into a bush towards the left; and standing still for a moment I became conscious of some loving person of adult years watching me on the right.
I think it was a woman; but I hardly sensed anything except her position and quality of love. She came near, leant down, and kissed me on the cheek.