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Showing Me Myself - Cacti - T. peruvianus by Pulsetsar EROWID
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Showing Me Myself - Cacti - T. peruvianus by Pulsetsar EROWID edited for brevity
………… When I closed my eyes again I tried another experiment: testing my memory. How vivid it was! I could remember so many experiences in my life that were previously inaccessible to me.
What was amazing about mescaline is that it not only brings out detail in current experiences but also past ones! I was remembering my friends’ faces and I could see them in as much detail as if there were in front of me. I remember all the little mannerisms and features of almost everyone in my life. What’s amazing is that I was noticing, in retrospect, aspects of their behaviour and their looks that I didn’t notice the first time around. It seems true that the mind records everything and leaves it ready for retrieval and analysis later. I’ve always known what an amazing memory I have, but I’m certain that anyone is capable of this. …………….
As I wind up at my friend’s apartment to fall asleep, I sit in bed for a couple hours after my nightly meditation waiting for the trip to wind down. I begin another memory experiment and begin to recall some of the earliest events in my life, tracing it all the way up to the present. The memories were vivid and detailed as expected. The trip ends but the effect will be with me forever.