Observations placeholder
Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Down the rabbit hole or through the mirror
Type of Spiritual Experience
Exploring group perception
Inter composer communication
Invisible input - prophecy
Perception recall
A description of the experience
The beginnings of Seership – Vincent Turvey
There is, however, another manner in which I have obtained, not only an intimation of events about to happen, but also verifiable information about those which have occurred.
Although, to me, the following is an actuality, I do not desire the reader to accept it as a demonstrated fact, save in so far as it is a true statement of what appears to take place.
I take it, however, that, if certain parts of a vision are found to be true, the remaining parts can hardly, with fairness, be considered to be the" wild speculations of a mere theorist."
At certain times I see a sort of film or ribbon continually moving as does an endless belt or a cinematograph film. This film in colour is of very pale heliotrope, and it seems to vibrate with great velocity.
Upon it are numerous little pictures; some appear to be engraved on the film itself, others are like pale blue photographs stuck on to the film. The former I have found to refer to past events, the latter to those about to happen. The locality of the event is judged by scenery and climatic heat.
I have to estimate dates by the clearness of the picture. The reader will notice many references to time in the following letters.
The source of the experience
Turvey, Vincent NConcepts, symbols and science items
PerceptionsPerceptions - accessing perceptions
Perceptions - what happens to perceptions
Perceptions - what has perceptions