Symbols - What does heaven look like
A tunnel is a communications channel within the spiritual world. In effect, when we see any form of tunnel, mine shaft, lift shaft, pipe, sewer, well, corridor or tunnel like opening we are seeing and traversing the spiritual communications network!
Where one is inside what appears to be a snake, one is in a tunnel, snakes from the outside have a different symbolism.
Tunnels and our bodies
Our spiritual body – energy body – has a large number of chakras, which are the receivers and also it appears the emitters of energy. The chakras seen in many hallucinations [hallucinations because the image is superimposed on the physical body] are whirlpool like spinning whirling energy.
When we go out of body it is usually through these chakras and as a consequence we appear to be going through a tunnel or whirlpool or other similarly moving energy vortex. As you can see from the diagram above we can go ‘down’ figuratively speaking and ‘up’. The Ida and Pingala energy channels that one experiences in a kundalini experience all link up with these energy centres, as such we have spiritually a sort of communications network of energy around which we can traverse and eventually go ‘out of body’.
I think [but obviously do not know] that our Perceptions are emitted via the same route, as such our Perceptions also appear as a tunnel because they ‘leave’ via the chakras.
Now imagine our physical body with its corresponding spiritual template. This Anthony Gormley sculpture [left] and another by Craig Clarke [right] help a little in visualising this. The spiritual template is not somehow hovering above the body, the spiritual and the physical are one, as such our physical body is a mass of spiritual communication channels and these are often perceived in a visionary state as corridors and smaller non moving tunnels.
In effect, when we see any form of tunnel having not gone totally out of the body we are seeing and traversing our own spiritual communications network! Thus visions come within this classification.
If this tunnel is also whirring round and perhaps making a noise too, maybe a humming noise or just twirling round, we are at an exit point - a so called ‘gate’ - and in the chakras close to having an out of body experience.
Given that the spiritual and the physical are closely mirrored, you could be travelling along nerves, blood vessels or any other of the physical routes that exist in your body. Analogously the nerves, blood vessels and so on are the physical hardware network, but over this network software messages and information get transmitted and sometimes in visions or out of body experiences we become like a little packet riding a killer T cell or a message galloping along on a white blood cell charger [sorry getting carried away here].
In fact, it is possible we may derive the expression ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, from shamanic and visionary experience rather than it being some more obvious allegory
Beyond the body - Tunnels as portals
Beyond our own bodies other tunnels also exist – other communication channels. Thus once out of body we may well encounter the tunnels of other things.
Using the analogy, if we imagine ourself as a computer, we can travel within our own computer network [circuitry], but having left our computer circuitry via the so called gates and doors, we can travel over the spiritual Internet! If we do, we may again see tunnels because we are seeing the communications network of something else.
Travel to other networks can also occur via a Bridge.
The tunnel for birth and death
The tunnel is a frequently reccurring image in near death experiences. People perceive that they are going down a tunnel or corridor at the end of which is a bright light. In effect near death and out of body experiences often share a common starting point.
This somewhat confirms the view held by numerous people that the Conscious self leaves the body on death via the chakras and merges with the Higher spirit. On birth it separates from the Higher spirit. In general it appears that the chakra that is used is either the crown chakra or the chakra on the forehead. The use of the crown chakra seems to be the favoured option.
Twin tunnels
In a number of belief systems, the existence of two tunnels is posited for birth and death.
- ‘Moon tunnel’ - Those who are to be reincarnated and follow the wheel of endless births and deaths symbolically speaking go to the Moon [the mother figure that gives birth to new souls as she waxes and wanes]. This is the so called ‘blue route.
- ‘Sun tunnel’ - Those who have succeeded in fulfilling their overall Challenge and fulfilled their Destiny figuratively speaking go to the Sun, thus a soul freed from rebirth travels the path to the ‘sun’ – the path back to the creator– the so called red route.
In this case the two tunnels for death are going to two different places on death – one is the route of Reincarnation and the other the route of … well who knows, nobody has ever come back to tell us!!
A Dictionary of Symbols – J E Cirlot
According to Hindu belief, the individual upon freeing himself from the shackles of the manifest world, follows a route which is the inverse of that path which he took when entering into it.
Within this system of thought there are two possible paths which he may take; either that of the liberated – de-va-yana or the 'way of the gods – or else that followed by those who still have further states of individuation to pass through – pitri-yana or 'the way of the ancestors'.
As the Bhagavad-Gita observes:
'At this juncture, those who tend towards union, without actually having achieved it, leave manifest existence behind them, some to return to it later, others never to return....
Fire, light, day, the crescent moon, the half year of the sun's ascendence and its northerly course – these are the luminous signs which lead to Brahma.
Smoke, night, the waning moon, the half year when the sun descends towards the south – such are the signs that lead to the lunar light and immediately to the return to states of manifestation
Tunnels and horns
From this belief we get the imagery of the horns. This is where the myth of the Vikings’ horned helmet came from, whether such helmets existed in reality we will never know, but the imagery is based on the idea of a connection with the spiritual world along with the two routes.
It is incorporated extensively into the Egyptian system – Hathor for example had horns
It is also why the imagery is used extensively in Hindu and other cultures along with the use of bulls and cows – because they have horns and produce milk - spiritual input.
The same horns are incorporated into the symbolism of Aries and Taurus, the signs of the Zodiac – those which have a cyclical connection to birth and death or new beginnings, creation and destruction.
Ritually a horned helmet probably signified someone able to control life and death – a sort of immortal or god.
Anyone who can do this was probably regarded as a really scary person once religions got a strong hold and these ‘gods’ were then demoted – from which we get the image of the devil. The red colour is key because it ties in with the Fire level and layer.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A Battle for Earth's Existence Amanita muscaria & Belladonna by sleepwalker EROWID
- A near death from GHB/Xyrem
- A Psycho-Spiritual Experience Ibogaine by KBF
- A shared experience shows how very close these two felt to each other
- Accidental leak in starter fluid causes near death
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 1 Down the rabbit hole
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 2 Down the well
- Anaesthetist goes out of body
- Ann and the blue tunnel
- Appendicitis produces an NDE
- Asian 'flu produces NDE
- Asthma
- Asthma
- At the dentists he had probably received an overdose of the medication
- Atharvaveda - XIX 53 from Prayer to Kala [Time]
- Attempted suicide at the age of 18
- Beowulf - Stealing the Dragon's treasure hoard
- Beowulf - Encounter with the Dragon guarding the Treasure
- Biophysicist discovers new life after death: Dr Joyce Hawkes at TEDxBellevue
- Black Elk - Native American Indians - Blue route, Red route
- Blithe spirit - Judgement Day
- Blithe spirit - Last line express
- Blithe spirit - Thought palaces in pink and gold
- Blithe spirit - What dying feels like, a personal story of my meeting with the 'Widow Maker'
- Blue train, the
- Böcklin, Arnold - Die Heimkehr (The Homecoming or The Return) 1887
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Inner and Outward courts and the abyss
- Boehme, Jacob - Quote - It is the eye of the abyss
- Born prematurely and weighed only two pounds at birth
- Bosch, Hieronymus - Ascent of the Blessed
- Bouguereau - Death
- Bouissou, Madame Michael – The method which enabled me to achieve astral projection – an OBE
- Bouissou, Mme Michael – An example of an ‘astral projection’
- Braveheart - A long shamanic journey
- Braveheart - Bridge to the tunnel
- Braveheart - Columns and ankhs
- Braveheart - Down the manhole
- Braveheart - Forest streams and the wall
- Braveheart - Lifting tree trunks
- Braveheart - Meeting three spirit helpers
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience
- Bruce Chatwin - Australian aboriginal – Songlines
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Depths of the Sea
- Car accident results in NDE
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac arrest
- Cave healing
- Charles E. Hicks – has a NDE with celestial music and a sight of paradise
- Childbirth
- Cirlot on peacocks
- Cohen, Leonard - Going home
- Concussion
- Concussion
- Constant babble of noise
- Copan - Mayan - Stela B
- Coronary at 37 years old
- Crowley - 08 Lust
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Gun Barrel
- Crushed under a truck
- Dadd, Richard - Come unto these yellow sands
- Danny Penman's cat, Buffy, has an NDE
- David Lewis-Williams - Caves and spiritual experience
- David Lewis-Williams - The San go down the rabbit hole
- David Lewis-Williams on migraine
- David Lewis-Williams on tunnels
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Karma and reincarnation - from Immortality and Reincarnation
- Deep depression
- Deliberate surgical hypothermia
- Delville, Jean - Satan's treasures
- Diane Sherman's near death experience
- Dorothy Counts [1983] - Near Death and Out of Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society – Andrew
- Down into a large pit
- Doyle, Lady - wife of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Dr G. B. Kirkland - The others were passing me very rapidly, hurrying towards the light which was brightening
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A man with a weak heart has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – John L. Lane has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss S. M. Stopford, of Blackpool has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs E. M. Mills, of Walthamstow has two OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Maries has an NDE
- Drowning 03
- Drowning 05
- Drowning 08
- Duchamp, Marcel - Door as a substitute for two doors
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Mary with child
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The small horse
- Electrocuted in a peanut field
- Epilepsy from stress of divorce
- Epileptic seizure causes near death
- Ether for 9 year old
- Ethna’s friend
- Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland - The changeling and the bagpipes
- Falling down and meeting a monk
- First time on cannabis
- Forced at gun point to stay with the convict fleeing from the police
- Four year old has NDE
- Fourteen year old girl sees us from down a well
- Fox, Oliver - Wishing himself to Allahabad
- French lady has NDE from ectopic pregnancy
- From life to death, beyond and back - Dr Thomas Fleischmann - TEDxTUHHSalon
- Gall bladder operation near death
- Gaudi - Professional work - 10 Casa Milà La Pedrera
- Gaudi - Professional work - 11 The Artigas Gardens
- Genesis 03 - The Fall
- George Harrison - Here comes the Sun
- Glandular fever
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Experiments - The benefits of using EEG, biofeedback and visualisation
- Grey, Margot - Description of her NDE
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs
- Hans Peter Duerr - Dreamtime - Visiting the Earth Mother's womb
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease
- He "dreamed" he was dying and was being sucked down through fog and quicksand
- He lost his mind on gasoline
- Healer H - Bracelets and necklaces
- Healer H - Having a board meeting
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – An explanation for conservation of energy and a link with consciousness
- How sweet the heavens are
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Nymphs and the Songlines
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Three Tunnels
- I didn't want to get back into mybody, it looked terrible, like a train wreck
- I thought I was going to die
- In the meadow with Grandpa from Pneumonia
- Isole Madre
- Jacques Cambry - Voyage dans le Finistère - A Celtic legend
- Jardin Majorelle
- Johann van Manen sees the tunnel
- Jules Lyons and her near death experience
- Julie from Lllanelli could stop watches after her NDE
- June nearly drowned
- Kali and yoga
- Karnataka and South India - 02 Temple architecture
- Karnataka and South India - 03 Airavatesvara Temple
- Karnataka and South India - 06 Ekambareswarar Temple
- Kepler, Johannes - from Optics - On horns
- Kepler, Johannes - The Daemon from Levania from Somnium
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Kidney failure causes heart failure
- Klimt - Avenue of Schloss Kammer park
- Knauer and Maloney and the tunnel
- Knud Rasmussen - The Iglulik Eskimos and the tube down
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Wormholes
- Lady in hospital resists the draw of the tunnel
- Leary, Timothy - And I came back a changed man
- Legrand - Windmills of your mind
- Light, tunnels and thyroid problems - the story of Maud
- Lilly, John - Does the dive
- Lilly, John - The barrier to another dimension
- Little girl has an NDE with a Sindy doll
- Local anaesthetic sends her down the tunnel
- Loss of blood
- M. J. Johnson - Travelled in a pea-soupy fog, in which many shadowy forms sailed past
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Out-of-Body and NDE experience of her father
- Magritte, Rene - Beautiful World
- Malta - 02 The Temples detail
- Man has two near death experiences
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 25 Communication from his dead grandpa
- Marie-Claire experiences divine love in her NDE
- Marie-Claire Hubert
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis
- Martine Alexis from Swansea and her childhood NDE
- McMoneagle, Joe - Poisoned by someone who doctored his drink
- Me, My Brain, Ketamine, and a Miracle Ketamine (withdrawal from Kratom/Opioids) by K-ally
- Meeting Morrison and God on the Moon by Rhythm King
- Meningitis
- Mircea Eliade - Describes Doing the dive
- Mircea Eliade - Patterns in Comparative religion - The snake as fertiliser of women
- Mircea Eliade - The trials and terrors of Initiation
- Misc. sources - Aztecs and Mexica - Ehecatl
- Mme Asa L'Orne - Not only did I see, but heard most, if not the whole, of the doctor's remarks
- Morrells, Luce and the party
- Mrs S A P Thirlwall
- Musty smell of decay
- Mythology and Rites of the British druids - The gardens of the Tylwyth Teg
- Near death
- Near death blind woman sees
- Near Death Experience Witnessed By Medical Professionals
- Near death from accidental inhalation of gasoline
- Near death from ether
- Near death from pain killers
- Near death of 5 year old
- Near death on Cough syrup
- Near fatal attack
- Never caught the attacker
- New Recruit - Pins and needles, and a tunnel
- Night terrors
- Ninety year old remembers his teenage NDE vividly
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Describing the night and cognising the heart 01
- Not In a Hurry to Try It Again Toad Venom by Anonymous EROWID
- OBE from meditating in his holiday static caravan, practising deep breathing
- Ogotommeli - Weaving
- Oliver Sacks - Emerging from a manhole
- One Man's Shamanic Initiation DPT by InstantEnlightenment
- Online Libraries Know More Than Your Friends Amanitas - A. muscaria by FourOaks
- Out of body aged 5
- Out of Body by Choking
- Out of body experience
- Out of body from dentist
- Out of body from fever
- Out of body in dentist
- Out of body vision
- Panic with unexpected rebirth
- Paul Devereux - The Anasazi culture
- Peritonitis fever
- Peter Panagore's NDE and Why He Regretted Coming Back
- Petersen, William - Describes his NDE
- Plato - Phaedo - Energy recycling, streams and rivers
- Plato - Republic X - 01 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 02 Tale of Er
- Plutarch – The Vision of Aridæus 08
- Pordage, John - Wind
- Poussin - The Triumph of Neptune and birth of Venus
- Prime, Probe, Process 5-MeO-DMT by Lola B
- Pulmonary embolism produces NDE and sense of mission
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Hermione P. Okeden goes out of body to check on her friends
- Ramakrishna - Hymns of Ramakrishna - The narrow channel first is made
- Rape of a child
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukana Indians - The Sun's Penis
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The umbilical cord to the Sun
- Rene Magritte and J H M Whiteman
- Revelations 09
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 07 Second Elegy
- Robyn's experience whilst being murdered
- Romains, Jules - eyeless sight
- Rops, Felicien - The Sacrifice
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 17 Demonstration of Perfection
- Schwabe, Carlos - Grief or The Day of the Dead
- Schwabe, Carlos - The Death of the Gravedigger
- Scottish out of body
- Serious car accident
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Wells and tunnels
- Sheridan, Clare – Wilfrid’s baby remembered him in the spring flowers
- Six year old Daniel
- Six year old has out of body from meningitis
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - The Egg
- Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – I saw a white cloud coming out of his body and stopping two or three inches away
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 01 - Mending Cowls Cookham 1915
- Sri Aurobindo - The Fear of Life and Death
- St Vincent - Birth in Reverse
- Stead, William - part 12 - On the never ending escalator
- Steve Rushton has a near death from drowning
- Stone, Sharon - Description of her near death experience
- Strassman, Rick - DMT and becoming a child
- Strassman, Rick - DMT and the insect beings
- Suicide - Down the well like Alice in Wonderland
- Sutherland, Donald – A NDE from a severe case of meningitis
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Describes her Near Death experience
- The atheist who decided she couldn't stand anymore, slit her wrists and has a NDE
- The atheist who met Jesus in an NDE
- The Book of Taliesin - Caer Sidi
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 02
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 03
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 06
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD
- The humming bees of Dr Valerie Solheim
- The man who had two NDEs - Here I go again!
- The Mind Blank Spell - Salvia divinorum, Mushrooms & Alcohol by Memnoch
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 535 to 555
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 620 to 655
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 01
- The sun’s penis
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 01
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 03
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 04
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 05
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 06
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 07
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 08
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 09
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 11
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 12
- Theophilus d’Estrella
- Tikal - Mayan - The 'Nose God'
- TIKHAL - Seeing a tunnel
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Late May
- Tree of life with eggs
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Down the rabbit hole or through the mirror
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Phone-voyance, OBE versus remote viewing
- Up into purgatory
- Using the psychomanteum
- Vatican - St Peters Basilica
- Very Bizzare Trip - Mushrooms by Faust
- Virus in spinal cord
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Narrow Bridge
- Warner Allen, Herbert - The Timeless moment
- Waterhouse, John William - Diogenes
- Wenders, Wim - Ten Minutes Older - Twelve Miles to Trona
- Wendy has NDE from surgery
- White tunnel
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Linda Irving [extract from full case history]
- William Howell has NDE from heart attack and cardiac arrest
- Wish to die and deep depression
- Xam bushmen - And tunnels
- Xam bushmen - The sun's penis
- Yram - Whirlwinds