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Atharvaveda - XIX 53 from Prayer to Kala [Time]
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Atharvaveda translated by Maurice Bloomfield
Time, the steed, runs with seven reins
thousand eyed, ageless, rich in seed.
The sers, thinking holy thoughts, mount him
all the beings are his wheels.
With seven wheels does this Time ride
seven naves has he, immortality is his axle.
He carries hither all these beings.
Time, the first god, now hastens onward
A full jar has been placed upon Time;
him verily, we see existing in mmany forms.
He caries away all these beings;
They call him Time in the highest heaven.
He surely did bring hither all the beings
he surely did encompass all the beings
Being their father, he became their son
there is verily, no ther force, higher than he.
Time begot yonder heaven
Time also begot these earths
That which was and that which shall be
Urged forth by Time, spreads out.
The source of the experience
AtharvavedaConcepts, symbols and science items
Planets, the
Wheel of fire - Nataraja
Wheel with eight spokes
Wheel with six spokes
Wheel with twelve spokes [the Zodiac]