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Observations placeholder

The bridge or barrier in the NDE 03



Type of Spiritual Experience


There is a barrier between the holding area and the Spiritual world at large – the final resting place.  It is possible to cross this barrier whilst you are alive, but it is well guarded and you have to have already learnt a good deal about the layout of the spiritual world as well as 'earned your spurs' so to speak.

The dead cross it anyway, irrespective.  The most frequent barrier seen is a bridge which can take any number of different forms.  Sometimes it is a river with a ferryman.


A description of the experience

Closer to the Light – Dr M Morse

I remember leaving my physical body and seeing the transport team carrying me out of the house!  I was following above them as they loaded my body into the ambulance.

I didn't go with it.  Instead I briefly went into my sister's head and saw the world through her eyes.

Then I saw my father weeping as he got into the car to take the family to the hospital.  He was sure I was going to die, and I felt sorry that my possible death was causing him this kind of pain.

I went ahead to the hospital to see what kind of room I was going to get.  I saw a girl who was about 12 years old in the room that I was supposed to go into.  Since I was so sick, they decided to move her and give me the room alone.

I then left the earth and travelled down a long tunnel.  I came to a bright opening and passed through it.  Out in the brightness I was engulfed by fog.  There seemed to be a border, something like a waterline on the beach that separated me from the true light.  I knew that if I entered the light I would not return to my body.

The light was all love, all knowing, and the sky was warm and friendly.  I was trying to decide whether I should go into the light or not when I returned to my body

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Activity not known

