Observations placeholder
Knauer and Maloney and the tunnel
Type of Spiritual Experience
They experimented on themselves
A description of the experience
A Knauer and W Maloney [1913]
Immediately before my eyes are a vast number of rings, apparently made of extremely fine steel wire, all constantly rotating … these circles are concentrically arranged … Now a beautiful light violet tint has developed in them. As I watch, the centre seems to recede into the depth of the room, leaving the periphery stationery, till the whole assumes the form of a deep funnel of wire rings ………[the rings turn into bands] …….which move rhythmically in a wavy upward direction suggesting a slow endless procession of small mosaics
The source of the experience
Scientist otherConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Knauer A and Maloney W (1913) A Preliminary note on the psychic action of mescaline with special refefence to the mechanism of visual hallucinations - Journal of Nervous and mental Disease 40