Observations placeholder
In agreement with the murdered nephew who happened to be my father's current wife at the time, they agreed to kill my father in order to satisfy carnal passions
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
As quoted by Gabriel Delanne - Materials for use in the Study of Reincarnation
Excerpt from the Conference on Reincarnation given at the Spiritist Congress of Liege, August 28, 1923, by Dr. Torrès:
Twenty-three years ago, my father's brother and nephew living in a small village in my province were murdered as a result of local disputes.
Some time after this violent death, my uncle was communicating with a medium in my family. He was very satisfied with everything that had happened to him. He explained to us how, in a previous existence, in a very distant city, in Daroca, province of Aragon, in a house that he described very carefully, and on the date he specified, in agreement with the murdered nephew who happened to be my father's current wife at the time, they agreed to kill my father in order to satisfy carnal passions.
My uncle was satisfied with his condition in space and with having undergone the chosen test in his last existence. He thanked God for allowing him to settle this painful account.
The investigations made in Daroca, a city completely unknown to all of us, confirmed in every respect the precise details given by my uncle's Spirit. The names of the street and house, the date of the crime that went unpunished, the names of the characters, everything was checked exactly.
It is to be assumed that the clairvoyance of the medium cannot be invoked as an explanation, since it is spontaneously that these revelations were made by the spirit of the uncle of the doctor. After having read this account, I wrote to Dr. Torrès to ask him for some clarification regarding the medium, the circle, and to know if a report had been drawn up. Here is the information he provides:
The séance took place at my home, in my family where the séances are very frequent. We do not make transcriptions, being all very convinced of the spiritual truth, we consider the spiritual fact as a natural fact of our lives. The séance was attended by six people.
The medium belonged to my family and only knew about the murder of my uncle and my father's nephew. But he knew nothing about the city, the drama and the circumstances indicated by my uncle's Spirit, nor the names of the people who acted in the drama in Daroca.
Mediumship took place through trance or complete incorporation, with total unconsciousness of the medium upon awakening.