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Osmond, Dr Humphry - The Past welled up in the present
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Humphry Osmond [from Introduction to The Witnesses – Thomas Hennell]
In my own mescalin experience, for instance, at the very start, a bit of the past suddenly began to well up in the present. I wrote in my notes “I was at first aware that I was simply recalling something that had once happened to me. But gradually I began to feel that I was not merely recalling but re-experiencing the past. The room had peeling white wallpaper and behind this was a patch of green, a milky jade green. I was much interested in this patch of green until I realised that I was looking at the winter sea, and if I stayed there any longer, I would see a ship sinking in a storm, and once again our ship would plough through those unhappy survivors in pursuit of the submarine. I did not wish to see all that again. To live comfortably the past should remain in its place”