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Kabbalah and Eros – Moshe Idel - Treatise on sex and eroticism in 13th century Castile
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Source unknown quoted in Kabbalah and Eros – Moshe Idel ‘Treatise on sex and eroticism 13th century Castile’.
Human thought has the ability to strip itself and to ascend to and arrive at the place of its source. Then it unites with the supernal entity whence it comes, and they become one entity. And when one’s thought returns downward from above, something similar to a line appears, and with it the supernal light descends, under the influence of the thought that draws it downward, and consequently it draws the Shekhinah downward. Then the brilliant light comes and increases upon the place where the owner of the thought stands …. And since this is the case, our ancient sages had to state that when the husband copulates with his wife and his thought unites with the supernal entities, that very thought draws the supernal light downward and the light dwells upon the drop upon which he directs his intention and thought… since the thought on it is linked to the supernal entities, it draws the brilliant light downward.