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Sahagun - Aztecs and Mexica - The Poem of Atamalqualitzli
Type of Spiritual Experience
It is symbolic by why spoil such beauty
A description of the experience
Hymn sung every eight years at the feast of Atamalqualitzli - Sahagun volume V Codex Florentino
The flower of my heart has opened,
Here is the lord of Midnight.
She has come, our mother, she has come,
She, the goddess Tlazolteotl.
The god of the maize is born
In the paradise of Tamoanchan,
In the place where the flowers raise their heads
He (who is called) 'One - flower'.
The god of the maize is born
In the garden of rain and mist,
There where the children of men are made,
There where they fish for jade fishes.
Here is the day: dawn is coming up:
Quechol-birds are flying about from place to place
and feeding
There where the flowers stand upright