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Observations placeholder

Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Sigma



Type of Spiritual Experience


We know from this that 'sigma' was Stockham's partner in the experiment to test karezza practically.

A description of the experience

Karezza – Ethics of Marriage 1903 second edition – Dr Alice B Stockham

The following is from a personal friend, eminent as a teacher of metaphysical philosophy:

I thank you, Dear Doctor, for the perusal of [the manuscript of] Karezza. God bless you – I know it is true. I have had experience that has proved it to my satisfaction. To me the experience is very sacred, but if it aids to lift the veil (or chain) of animalism from the hearts of women and men and thus open the realm to spiritual possibilities, then [publish] it. …

I should say we had for months talked over together this problem, with its possible results. With our deep love for each other, and our love and interest for humanity we wished no theory to be left unproven………………………

To make the experiment complete, for several successive cohabitations we kept the physical under complete control - at no time allowing a crisis.

We found that neither one was disturbed in any physical sense. There was no uneasiness, no unrest, no unsatisfied desire, rather on the contrary the satisfaction was complete, resulting in a beautiful rest and a sweet sleep seldom experienced.

Each occasion was indeed a sacrament.

I feel confident however that this particular relation could not have been satisfactory had we not known the power of the mind over the body. We were fortified and prepared for each occasion. We fixed our minds on and expected spiritual attainment. The result was perfectly successful.

…..Following the relation, side by side, in the beautiful stillness, I experienced a peace, a perfect satisfaction passing mortal understanding.

I was lifted up and up.

I seemed to go into the realm of spirit - clairvoyant, intensely so - not to behold spirits, but rather spiritual possibilities. Indeed it hath not entered into the heart of man to conceive all the things prepared for him, with the proper appropriation of creative energy.

To those seeking knowledge from the spirit of truth, my name may be given. To all others I am,


SIGMA.,Chicago, Feb. 8, 1896.

The source of the experience

Stockham, Alice Bunker

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Sex magick
Sexual stimulation


