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Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3908
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
POEMS OF SURDAS translated by Professor John Stratton Hawley
With love there's never a thought that one might die.
With love the moth can be drawn into the flame
and never flinch from the fire.
With love the turtle dove will mount the skies
and dive to earth with no care for its life.
With love the deer lusts for sound, and draws so near
it's doomed to the hunter's arrow.
The thirsty cuckoo, in the rainy month of sravan,
coos love, coos love-she shouts it out,
For what, says Surdas, does she have to fear?
A lonely woman speaks for herself.
The source of the experience
SurdasConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Blindness, macular degeneration and other sight impairmentLOVE
Love with visualisation