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Observations placeholder

Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – I am yours



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Diary of a Sufi Master [translated by Carl Ernst]

77 "I Am Yours"

I saw myself being annihilated in the station of abasement. I said,

"I am the least of your creatures; I am your servant and the son of your servant."

And the assaults of oneness and might fell upon my heart, and he said,

"Who are you that you should be a servant to me?"

I became ashamed before God most high on account of what I said, and I said,

 "What should I say? For I am only one of the things in your kingdom."

He said, "you will not be a true believer in one God until you forget yourself and all else besides me From the throne to the earth."

I remained astonished in a great veil, and was unable to speak. Then I thought to remember him by reciting his names. He taught me of my annihilation in him, and my longing for him. He manifested himself to me in the deserts of the hidden, and he pointed to himself, saying,

“I am yours."

I entered into ecstasy, and my heart rejoiced. Then he approached in the form of the Turks, and my soul and my heart were annihilated in his beauty and loveliness. Then he approached me again and said,

"You are not distressed by the word of oneness here, for oneness here is a ruse. You witnessed me as I was in the quality of beauty and loveliness."

The source of the experience

Ruzbihan Baqli

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dont hurt

