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Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - Contacting the Higher spirit for healing
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
David Scott Rogo - Leaving the Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection
There is a great deal of psychological literature on this aspect of the self, which more and more physicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists are being forced to confront.
This level of mind can be tapped through hypnosis and has been formally called "the hidden observer."
lt is a part of ourselves that just sits back in our minds and observes and evaluates whatever happens to us.
People suffering from multiple personality often exhibit at least one personality that is much saner, wiser, or more benign than all the rest. This personality, which has been called the lnner Self-Helper, can even help a clinician cure the victim !
A doctor I know in Los Angeles has found that he can contact this aspect of the mind, which he calls the Protector Self, to help him diagnose refractory patients.
The source of the experience
Rogo, D ScottConcepts, symbols and science items
ConscienceHigher spirit
Higher spirit and Perceptions
Higher spirit and personality
Multiple Personality