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Nichols, Robert – From Such was my Singing – The Consummation
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Nichols, Robert – From Such was my Singing
From Aurelia and other poems
There is a pigeon in the apple-tree,
And when he moves the petals fall in showers,
And, Oh, how slow, how low, how rapturously,
He croons and croons again among the flowers !
Above the boughs a solemn cloud-bank climbs,
White, pure white, dazzling, a shield of light;
Speck on its space, a lark, whose quick song chimes
With each brief pulse of wings, vaults t'ward the height.
Below, a beetle on a stalk of grass
Slowly unharnesses his shuttered wings,
His tiny rainbow wings of shrivelled glass
He leaps! He whirrs away. The grass-blade swings.
Faint breezes through the branches wind and call.
It is the hour. This perfect hour is His,
Who, stooping through the depth, quiet, joy of all,
Prints on my upturned face a silent kiss.