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Engel,C - The Walderiske's song
Type of Spiritual Experience
In German myth and legend, the Walderiske appeared to people in dreams. In some stories they are pure spirit, disembodied beings that had no physical manifestation. But there is also a suggestion, that they may have been female shamans [so called witches] who were able to use out of body experiences to ‘visit’ people during dreams. If this is the case, the music is not celestial, but otherwise, ………..
A description of the experience
Musical Myths and Facts Volume II – C Engel
According to a tradition current in Northern Germany, especially near Holland, the Walderiske is a kind of a witch….
Occasionally the Walderiske appears in the shape of a beautiful girl, and sings more charmingly than can be described. Indeed, from the oldest traditions still extant may be gathered that the Walderiskes ought to be regarded as superhuman beings; for, although they occasionally appear in human shape, and are in many ways like human beings, they live subject to other laws, and are endued with powers other than ours.
It admits of no doubt that in the traditions respecting them, much is to be found which has been derived from the pagan mythology of our ancestors relating to the Walkuren, who rode or sailed in the clouds. The Walderiskes are frequently described as floating through the air and singing most sweetly.
The source of the experience
NorseConcepts, symbols and science items
Celestial musicCommunication with bodied souls
Spirit being
Substance guide communication