Observations placeholder
Harold Dedman of Herts, Great Britain hears comforting music
Type of Spiritual Experience
Poor little boy, he was probably scared stiff being left on his own with the responsibility for the other children
A description of the experience
A Casebook of Otherworldly Music – D Scott Rogo
Case No. 28 - Harold Dedman
This case, heard as a child, was sent to the author by Mr. Dedman (Herts, Great Britain) on November 12, 1968:
When I was approximately seven or eight years of age, around the years 1922-23, I was occasionally left alone in the house, apart from baby sisters and a brother three years my junior, while my parents visited friends to play cards.
Frequently on these occasions I would hear a wonderful choir, composed, I thought, of mostly female voices. I could never recognize any of the songs or hymns being sung. I was never frightened of this music but looked forward to hearing it. I remember I was curious as to the source of it, as this was before the innovation of radio and none of the adjoining houses had a Gramophone or phonograph.
Sometimes this beautiful singing seemed to fill the room but never did it wake the younger children.