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Observations placeholder

Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of Alexis Tolstoy 02



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission

London, 19th June, 1860

I had a headache of the worst sort yesterday; however, I put on my dress-coat and white tie, and went to the seance at Mrs. Milner Gibson's. I would have gone a thousand leagues to see these things.

There were present Lord and Lady Clarence Paget, Lord Dufferin, Lord de Tablet, Dr. Ashburner, a celebrated physician; Miss Alice, daughter of Mrs. Milner Gibson; her brother, a very nice boy of the age of George, and Mrs. Home.

The two children and Mrs. Home were in the room, but not at the table, where there was not room enough for everyone. The seance was by no means so good as the first, but there was a new phenomenon. I saw the accordion play without being held; and after each note there was an echo very distant, but very distinct and agreeable which repeated it.

Lord Clarence, feeling his knee clasped, wished me to touch the hand that was holding it; and when I placed my hand on his knee without finding anything, he still felt, besides my hand, another that was touching him.

This time Home did not float in the air in my presence. The three lords were present at a seance for the first time; and did not fail, at the invitation of Home, to make a search under the table, while the rest of us were observing what went on above.

Count Tolstoy's words "in my presence," are explained by a note added by Mr. Home:

The apartment was lighted by two lamps and several wax candles; and when the seance was over, the company passed into another room, except Lord and Lady Clarence Paget and myself who stayed behind conversing. Suddenly, I felt myself raised from the ground; and said so to Lord Clarence, who knelt down and passed his hands between my feet and the carpet, to satisfy himself of the fact."

The source of the experience

Home, D. D.

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items


Activities and commonsteps



Being left handed
Inherited genes

