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Observations placeholder

Mike Miura's near death experience



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Miura Mike1 year ago

I'm 49 now, but I still remember my NDE when I was 18. I had been in a pretty bad car accident, my 2 friends were sitting in the front and were killed, being in the back seat wearing a seatbelt saved me. We hit head on by a dump truck on a narrow country road by a driver who fell asleep (he lived). The last thing I remember about that day is getting in the car. My next memory is that I was looking down at my body in the ambulance while 2 paramedics were worked on stabilizing me, and plenty of medical jargon I didn't understand at the time. The person on the gurney was so bloody & swollen he was unrecognizable, but I knew it was me. Oddly, I felt no emotional attachment to him, I just felt calm & felt that whatever happened was okay. I remember being wheeled into the hospital, directly into surgery. I watched from above as doctors & nurses rushed around. It didn't phase me when I saw my stomach & chest being sliced open. They had music playing in the operating room (THAT was a shock!) and I remember the songs. I did flatline for a bit. I watched them wheel me into the ICU & my family was there. That's when I felt emotion: watching them suffer was too much. Also in the room were 2 of my grandparents, who were smiling at me, they both died years before. They didn't speak but I somehow knew what they were thinking, that I would be fine. After that it gets hazy: nurses & doctors checking on me, family & friends coming & going. There was no sense of time, I just felt peaceful. It felt like laying in the sun at the beach in Hawaii: just pure bliss & tranquility. When I came out of the coma it was awful: the pain, the noises, the upset people, finding out my friends died. Then the guilt of surviving when they didn't. When I told my family & the doctors about what I remembered most of them were stunned. It was all correct. One doctor came to visit me after his shift ended & told me all the different NDE's he's heard from people, that he himself had one after nearly drowning as a child. Now there are support groups for people that have had a NDE, I went to a few meetings. Not all the people have the same experience, some people did say that the details get fuzzy over time, some like me remember everything. So I'm not going to judge Sharon. The fact that she survived at all is astounding, most people die or have severe disabilities after. But all the people I've talked to are different people after. I used to suffer from depression & was suicidal for years, but never told anyone. Now i'm usually happy & have no problem talking about problems.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being in a car accident

