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Mr J Ramel of Geneva and his near death experience
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion
Letter 4295 – Geneva November 1st 1920 from J Ramel
It is not a scientist who writes to you, but a financier, so, like you, a man of figures, but in another realm of ideas.
I had a disease of the heart, which is now cured, but which played me some nasty tricks. On one occasion, among others, I remained for a certain time plunged in lethargy. I heard all my family talking around me, but I was not I.
My self was beside me, standing, a white and fluid body; I saw the grief of those who were striving to revive me and I had this thought
‘Of what use is this miserable cast off skin that they seek to bring to life again?’
Nevertheless, perceiving their sadness, a great longing came over me to return to them – a thing which happened. However, it seems to me that if I had wished it I could have remained in the Beyond; I saw the door to it half open, but cannot say what was behind.