Observations placeholder
Drowning 01
Type of Spiritual Experience
June was an 8 year old girl who nearly drowned in a swimming pool when her hair became caught in the drain. Her parents, an emergency medical team and finally emergency room doctors gave her CPR for more than 45 minutes before her heart began beating again. She made a full neurological recovery.
A description of the experience
All I remember was my hair getting stuck in the drain and then blacking out. The next thing I knew, I floated out of my body. I could see myself under the water but I wasn't afraid. All of a sudden I started going up a tunnel and before I could think about it, I found myself in heaven. I know it was heaven because everything was bright and everyone was cheerful.
A nice man asked me if I wanted to stay there. I thought about staying; I really did. But I said 'I want to be with my family'. Then I got to come back.
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Higher spiritSymbols
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
From Closer to the Light – Dr M Morse