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Observations placeholder

Black Sabbath - Ozzy Osborne's NDE



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Near-Death Experiences of the Hollywood Rich and Famous extracted from Jean Ritchie's book, Death's Door.

Ozzy Osbourne (1948-- ) is an English singer, songwriter, and television personality who rose to prominence in the early 1970s as the lead vocalist of the band Black Sabbath, widely considered to be the first heavy metal band. Osbourne has also had a successful solo career, releasing 11 studio albums. Osbourne's longevity and success has earned him the informal title of "Godfather of Heavy Metal"

In 2003, Osbourne "died twice" in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) bike accident which left him in a coma for eight days with multiple injuries including fractured vertebrae, eight rib fractures, a partially collapsed lung and a badly fractured left collarbone. The accident happened at his 150-acre Victorian estate in Buckinghamshire, England while riding across the sprawling, uneven landscape for what would be one unexpected trip. Osbourne said at the time of his accident he was going, "pretty fast," and was not wearing a helmet while on the 600-pound vehicle. He was riding with his bodyguard who recalled the accident. "I see the bike hit some berms, and it starts to bounce, and Ozzy's holding on," said Sam Ruston. "But what happens is the back end of the bike comes up off the ground, throwing him forward and over the handlebars." Ruston explained that the ATV whipped on top of Osbourne, landing on his back, neck and shoulder. "As the bike's tumbling and he's tumbling, he actually somehow gets entangled in the bike, and he's rolling with the bike," said Ruston. When Ruston approached the fallen star, he was lying face down and needed a lot of help. "I turned him over and I put my head on his chest, and I hear -- no breath, no heartbeat, nothing," said Ruston.

Osbourne says, "If it wasn't for Sam I probably wouldn't be here. He had to bring me back to life twice." When Osbourne stopped breathing a second time, Ruston again provided assistance. "He was the weirdest blue color when I turned him over … so -- I again cleared his throat, and -- I just gave one good breath, and he started breathing again." An MTV camera crew member radioed for emergency help. Osbourne was then rushed to the hospital and placed in intensive care.

He described his confusion he had felt on gradually coming round from his coma. "I didn't know where I was or how long I'd been there. I would drift in and out of consciousness. Other times there would be a white light shining through the darkness, but no F##king angels, no one blowing trumpets and no man in a white beard." Osbourne, who has battled addictions to drink and drugs, said the crash finally made him "grow up." Osbourne stated, "You are bopping along through life and have your ups and downs, but it is amazing how two or three seconds can totally change your life." "It was just a terrible, a terrible accident," said Osbourne. "The last thing I remember, what I do remember is I got on the bike and, and something in my mind went 'bad move. There's something's really bad is gonna happen.' And I go oo-huh-oh."

The source of the experience

Black Sabbath

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being in a car accident


Being in a coma

