Being in a coma
Category: Events
Introduction and description

A coma (from the Greek κῶμα koma, meaning "deep sleep") is defined medically as a state of unconsciousness lasting more than six hours, in which a person:
- cannot be awakened;
- fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound;
- lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle; and,
- does not initiate voluntary actions.
A person in a state of coma is described as being comatose. A comatose person exhibits a complete absence of wakefulness and is apparently unable to consciously feel, speak, hear, or move.
But there are a number of instances I have come across, where the person, despite being almost apparently ‘dead’ has been able to perceive what is going on in the hospital room, for example, in which they are situated, or has had very profound out of body experiences in which they travelled all over the place. So profound are the experiences that they remain vividly remembered until the person comes out of the coma.
A coma is, to all intents and purposes a form of extremely deep sleep. Sleeping has a number of functions. One is the defragging of memory, another is learning from the perceptions gathered during the waking period, but the third purpose of sleep is healing.
Healing takes place during very deep non REM sleep, when the mind and body are totally inactive. This inactivity then gives the autonomic system and the healing processes a better chance to function. In some senses we go into a light coma every night when we fall asleep in a deep state of non-dreaming sleep, but because we are never monitored in our own bed, no one knows.
In our own beds, we wake up when we are woken by an alarm, noise, our partners, our dog, but the healing process may actually not be complete if this awakening is artificial, as such it may take many nights before true healing takes place. If we never get enough sleep we may never heal and as a consequence we deteriorate in health, slowly and inexorably.
How it works
How can people whose brain appears almost not to be working have spiritual experiences? All that is needed for a spiritual experience is for our perceptions and perception system to be working. In a sense we are then our composer with perceptions - a state as near death as it is possible to get without actually being dead.
The only difference between death and the state of coma is that the Will is still active and working, along with the autonomic system, which in a severely injured person is doing its level best to repair us.
It may be helpful here to read the more generic description of How spiritual experience works.
If we look at the Model of the Mind, we see that during a coma, Nervous sensations, and sensations from the 5 senses are subjugated. All of our Objectives [desires and obligations] have been squashed and forgotten.
The Perception process is active and still receiving messages from both the Autonomic system and messages from the Composer. But when we are in a coma very few external Perceptions get through to the Will. So in a coma the Will is almost totally deprived of sensory data.
A coma could thus be thought of as an extremely deep ‘sleep’ in which the Will is being deprived of practically all external Perception.
The following table may be helpful in showing the effects .
Level of dream |
Extent of perceptions |
Trance [vision hallucination] |
Light awareness of composer input Full awareness of any external stimulus |
Light and lucid dreams
Light awareness of composer input Medium awareness of any external stimulus |
Medium awareness of composer input Medium awareness of any external stimulus |
Deep dream
Medium awareness of composer input Minor awareness of any external stimulus |
Light coma
Greater awareness of composer input Practically no awareness of any external stimulus |
Deep coma
Full awareness of composer input No awareness of any external stimulus |
The Reasoning function is totally subdued. No Learning takes place so the Perceptions, although they are still being formed, are not used to update Memory.
Furthermore, the Personality or ego is entirely squashed. As consciousness resides with the Personality, if it goes we lose consciousness and the Composer takes over completely.
Related observations
Healing observations
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- PubMed - A phenomenological study of medically induced unconsciousness in ICUs 012013
- Tweedale, Reverend Charles – The death of Mrs. Mary Burnett 028027
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise 021106
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- Cassidy, Joe - Out of body experience 010038
- Dr. Overend G. Rose of Cheltenham goes out of body when he is violently thrown to the ground by a horse 027944
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- He had been in a bubble that seemed like a womb and that he just seemed to go back and back in time 021174
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs. Greyling’s Near Death Experience 023307
- Lilly, John - The atman 014577
- Lilly, John - The brain is not the mind 014581
- Mrs S.B.L. goes out of body in a coma and describes the impressions she felt during her unconscious state 027945
Out of time
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise 021106
- Alexander, Dr Eben - enters the Inner Court 007906
- Alexander, Dr Eben - everything has a purpose, even a near death experience 007907
- Alexander, Dr Eben - has to go back 007908
- Alexander, Dr Eben - meeting Intelligences 007905
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise 007903
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the spirit helper 007904
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the underworld 007902
- Attempted suicide 002489
- Belfrage, Bruce – Has a near death experience 023739
- Black Sabbath - Ozzy Osborne's NDE 026959
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE 025804
- Cassidy, Joe - Out of body experience 010038
- Charles E. Hicks – has a NDE with celestial music and a sight of paradise 023482
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – The Vision of White Thunder 023815
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Out of body experience 027177
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Leslie Grant Scott has a NDE 023737
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr Roland O. Hill, of Christchurch, Hants has an OBE 023731
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs E. M. Mills, of Walthamstow has two OBEs 023727
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs L. Hemingway has a Near Death experience 023642
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs L. Hemingway’s friend has an OBE 023643
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M has a NDE 023738
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Veitch, of Redcar has a NDE and OBE 023726
- Dr. Overend G. Rose of Cheltenham goes out of body when he is violently thrown to the ground by a horse 027944
- Eleanor was so calm and peaceful, completely unafraid 021619
- Gail, Frances - 04 The operation and her out of body experience 023716
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Sarah's out of body experience when clinically dead 011904
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs 021110
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- Hospital OOB and heart failure 000221
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs. Greyling’s Near Death Experience 023307
- Lilly, John - Near death from PCP bike accident 014578
- Lilly, John - Near death meeting with helpers 014584
- Lilly, John - The atman 014577
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis 021108
- Morgan, Tracy – Describes his NDE 025799
- Mrs S.B.L. goes out of body in a coma and describes the impressions she felt during her unconscious state 027945
- Near death blind woman sees 001324
- PubMed - A phenomenological study of medically induced unconsciousness in ICUs 012013
- Reaction to Penicillin produces NDE 013054
- Reynolds, Burt - Going out of body from Sleeping tablets 025976
- Ruth Hall has an NDE and goes to paradise hearing celestial music 023483
- Six year old Daniel 002481
- Six year old has out of body from meningitis 013044
- The NDE of Curma the Senator 023641
- The near death experience of Thomas Say, the Quaker 023639
In time
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE 014532
- BBC man woke from coma believing it was 1952 and he was American racing driver 026127
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE 025804
- Car accident and hearing voices 005766
- Cassidy, Joe - Out of body experience 010038
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – The Vision of White Thunder 023815
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Leslie Grant Scott has a NDE 023737
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M has a NDE 023738
- Dr. Overend G. Rose of Cheltenham goes out of body when he is violently thrown to the ground by a horse 027944
- Get the suitcase out from under his bed 021137
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs 021110
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease 023159
- He had been in a bubble that seemed like a womb and that he just seemed to go back and back in time 021174
- Laubscher, B J F – Gone, gone, gone to the other shore 023267
- Lilly, John - Near death from PCP bike accident 014578
- Lilly, John - Near death meeting with helpers 014584
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis 021108
- PubMed - A phenomenological study of medically induced unconsciousness in ICUs 012013
- Reaction to Penicillin produces NDE 013054
- Sharing the vision of her dying mother 014520
- The man in a coma opens his eyes, the colour of which was the most piercing luminescent blue she had ever seen 021266
- The NDE of Curma the Senator 023641
- The three crows 021556
- Eleanor was so calm and peaceful, completely unafraid 021619
- Get the suitcase out from under his bed 021137
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Sarah's out of body experience when clinically dead 011904
- Laubscher, B J F – Gone, gone, gone to the other shore 023267
- Mrs. F. Downing of North Ipswich’s brother Fred - So many children, so much music 023489
- Reagan, Ronald – In his last dying moments he experiences terminal lucidity 025808
- The man in a coma opens his eyes, the colour of which was the most piercing luminescent blue she had ever seen 021266
- The three crows 021556
- The TV screen went totally blank, the sound went totally and the alarm rang 021546
- Tweedale, Reverend Charles – The death of Mrs. Mary Burnett 028027