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A NDE from a prolonged grand mal seizure
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Love is the Link – Dr Pamela Kircher
A woman had undergone a prolonged grand mal seizure during an episode of a severe febrile illness when she was two years old. Although she was told that she was comatose for several days after the event, she didn't remember anything about the event until she underwent hypnotherapy some forty years later.
At that time she remembered being "tied down" with IV's, catheters, and so on. Then she remembered being out of her body and watching over herself as her body lay in the bed. She then remembered looking ahead and seeing a Light. She did not really go into the Light, but experienced it as very loving and very spiritual. She didn't feel that she had a choice about coming back. She remembered herself as being very sensitive and psychic as a child, and the remembrance of her NDE helped her to better understand her behaviour and unusual sensitivities.