Observations placeholder
Out of body from flu
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Truth in the Light – Dr Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick
Ten years ago I could not tell anybody about my experience, even my husband, because I thought people would think I was crazy.
It was back in the early 1960s. I was a young housewife with three small children and at the time I was very ill with ‘flu. I remember feeling really bad and thinking I was going to die.
Suddenly I floated out of my body, it was a lovely feeling and I looked down and saw myself lying in bed. I floated upwards to a beautiful vivid green field. There was a huge tree with a brilliant white light on top. I saw my father all in white with his arms outstretched towards me (he had died a few years previously) and I floated towards him. But as I got near he waved his arms and gestured for me to go back.
I then floated backwards down and down into my body. I opened my eyes and I thought, I feel much better. But the strange thing was I put my hands up in the air and there was steam coming out of my hands.
I really believe I died for a second or so, but I remember thinking ‘I can’t die and leave my children when they are only little’ and I think this is what pulled me back.