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Observations placeholder

Katha Upanishad



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Katha Upanishad

The god of creation, who in the beginning was born from the fire of thought before the waters were; who appeared in the elements and rests, having entered the heart

This in Truth is That

The goddess of Infinity who comes as the Life power and nature; who was born from the elements and rests, having entered the heart

This in Truth is That

Agni, the all knowing god of fire, hidden in the two friction firesticks of the holy sacrifice, as a seed of life in the womb of a mother, who receives the morning adoration of those who follow the path of light or the path of work;

This in Truth is That

Whence the rising sun does come, and into which it sets again; wherein all the gods have their birth, and beyond which no man can go

This in Truth is That

……What is here is also there, and what is there is also here.
Who sees the many and not the ONE, wanders on from death to death

Even by the mind this truth is to be learned; there are not many but only ONE.
Who sees variety and not the unity wanders on from death to death

…..As water raining on a mountain ridge runs down the rocks on all sides, so the man who only sees variety of things runs after them on all sides.  But as pure water raining on pure water becomes one and the same, so becomes … the soul of the sage who knows.

The source of the experience

Upanishads, the

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


